What’s on Somerville Neighborhood News

On March 6, 2015, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

snn_3_4_15_webMake sure to check out some of the latest news headlines from Somerville Neighborhood News, a news production of SCATV.

Here is one featured news segment:

There’s no Business like Snow Business

By Laura Onyeneho

After weeks of immense back-to-back snowstorms, Somerville has now been hit with an unprecedented record of snowfall of over 95 inches, and that’s taking its toll on locally owned businesses. Some local businesses say they have endured losses in revenue because of the weather that has resulted in limited mass transit, poor road conditions, parking problems, and clogged sidewalks.

“The people that come don’t buy as much as they normally do,” McKinnon’s Meat Market owner Jimmy Kontos told Somerville Neighborhood News (SNN). “It’s extremely difficult to carry bags for two or three blocks to your car, so they buy what they need for the day or a couple of days and as a result the volume goes down.”

Kontos said he’s worked in the business for fifty years, and that the last severe snowstorm he could remember was the blizzard of 1978. This season has been different because it wasn’t just one storm; it was “continuous,” he noted.

The lot behind his store in Davis Square, where many customers usually park, is rented by the city. And until recently, it was piled high with snow. Kontos said he felt it took the city too long to clean it.

“If there was any way they could remove some of the snow – and again, it’s too much snow in a short time, and I understand it’s difficult – but it would help matters, at least for us it would, and for everyone in the Square, for that matter,” he said.

​For this complete news story and others, please visit www.somervilleneighborhoodnews.org. Every two weeks we bring you investigative stories about Somerville happenings. ​You can always send us a message for news you think should be covered at news@scatvsomerville.org.


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