Somerville teens ‘Rock Out’

On June 16, 2010, in Latest News, by The News Staff


Delponte Music13

By Andrew Firestone

Centennial auditorium blazed bright on Friday, as student musicians from all over Somerville came together for a night of jamming at the second annual Somerville Students Rock concert.

Organized by Jimmy Del Ponte, youth Arts Coordinator and Rick Saunders, a music supervisor for city schools, the concert gave many students the opportunity to step up and showcase their musical talents.

The stage was exhilarating from start to finish, as dozens of Somerville youth crowded in vast jam bands or solo to show their stuff.

"I'm in this zone," said Jesse Stern of Somerville High. Stern, 16, performed an original heart ballad accompanied only by himself on the piano. "It was really nice to hear a whole crowd of people going wild for you."

Other rapturous moments from Somerville teen performers included Caroline Form's smooth rendition of "Out Tonight" from the play Rent, Rachel Iaconinia's dulcet tones in Rise Against song "Ever Changing," and Saunder's big-band style blues in "Pride and Joy" accompanied by many of his students and colleagues.

The younger crowd from the Healey School was represented by the Vaccinations, led by Saunders as they performed "Wild Thing."

Tony Momtejano of the class of 2009 was pleased to be invited back to perform with his friend Jesse Smith and praised Somerville's dedication to the arts. "It's easy to discuss music between other students, because they all have similar interests," he said. "If there's no influence for music, no one will actually be playing it."


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