Our View of the Times – October 1

On October 1, 2014, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

powderhouse_viewMake way for the mayhem and turmoil that is about to strike Union Square as crews commence preparations for the laying of tracks and all else that goes with the coming of the Green Line through the area.

Some traffic detours aside, the process should actually be fairly orderly and pain-free for locals and passers-through. City and developer plans seem to be thoroughly thought out and, with luck and proper implementation, should allow for a smooth period of adjustment and preparation for the actual construction phase when it begins in earnest.

This preparatory work is a necessary step in the process of preparing the land and infrastructure associated with the GLX project. Contaminated soil needs to be treated and existing buildings standing in the way need to be cleared. Considering the amount of work to be done, the two-and-a-half or so months projected as being necessary for it seems like a reasonable amount of time for all of us to have to put with.

Such is the price of progress. When that proverbial Golden Spike is symbolically driven in and the whole thing is finished, we’ll probably look back on all the fuss and perceived inconvenience and realize it wasn’t all that bad after all. Hopefully.


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