By George P. Hassett

A Somerville man accused of buying oxycontin from a City Hall employee was arrested last week after he left threatening phone messages with a Somerville drug cop, police said.

James Chiodo, 60, of 11 Dresden Circle, left 10 voice mail messages on the police-issued cell phone of drug investigator James Hyde late June 15 and early June 16, police said.

In one message, Chiodo allegedly told Hyde, "I am going to blow you away before I go to jail."

Hyde interpreted the statement as a threat to shoot him, police said.

Two of the 10 messages were deleted because of profanity, Hyde said in a police report.

Chiodo was arrested June 10 and charged with conspiracy to violate a drug law with George Duffney, a 53-year-old Norwell man who worked for the city as a lead inspector before he was arrested.

Police stopped Duffney in May after he left Chiodo's home near Davis Square and allegedly found three oxycontin pills. Duffney was fired from his job at City Hall this month.

Chiodo initially agreed to assist Hyde in an investigation of Duffney but Chiodo's cooperation agreement was terminated and he was also charged, police said.

Police arrested Chiodo on Wednesday, June 16, in his home after they found him hiding in a bedroom closet. He was arrested and charged with threatening to commit a crime and witness intimidation.

Police seized his cell phone.


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