Ida Azzolino turns 102 on Friday, September 19.
Happy birthday to Ida Azzolino, who is really Aida Solari Azzolino, born this very week in 1912. That’s right, Ida turns 102 this week. Wow! Just think, the Titanic sank, Fenway Park opened and William Howard Taft was President. Ida amazes her family and friends with her cheery disposition. She always has a good story to tell about growing up in Somerville. She can remember the rationing in World War I, gaslights, horse drawn carriages and the first automobile. Her family was the first in her neighborhood to get electricity. Ida will be celebrating this week at the Senior Center with her bingo friends. Ida plays bingo every week and socializes with her friends and they are all amazed at her vitality. Happy 102nd birthday Ida!
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