Our View of the Times – August 20

On August 20, 2014, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

powderhouse_viewThere is a popular saying that everyone has heard: When guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns. A simplistic view for some, but most of us would agree that there is at least a grain of truth in there.

The city’s gun buyback program that took place this weekend may have nothing to do with gun control law, or the removal of dangerous weapons from the hands of criminals, but the community has been provided with a safe means of disposing of unwanted firearms.

Let’s face it, there have been many instances in the past when homes and places of business have been burglarized and weapons been taken by criminals. Reducing the risk of this can certainly be regarded as a positive thing.

Additionally, accidental injury and death by the misuse or mishandling of firearms by otherwise responsible, honest individuals is a tragic fact, and the elimination of this possibility is another example of the value of this program.

We can all be pretty certain that no hardcore criminals relinquished their weapons this weekend. They have their agenda, we have ours. Removing unneeded and potentially harmful weapons from our homes and elsewhere is a common sense way of helping to make our community a safer place to be.

No one’s right to bear arms has been challenged, and the outlaws are not yet solely empowered with deadly firepower. We’ve just taken a small step towards seeing to it that the right protection in the right setting is being implemented.

Surely, in a society as sophisticated as ours, we can see the value in this.


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