Newstalk – June 11

On June 11, 2014, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

The city budget committee hearings chaired by Alderman Tony Lafuente, began this past Monday night. First department before the board’s budget committee members was DPW and all its divisions. It was a long meeting but nothing out of the ordinary. Well, except for one thing, a position that was created by the Board of Alderman last year under Highway Personal called “FLEET MANAGER” which proves maybe you don’t have to be a former Alderman to get a juicy job at City Hall. A well-known figure here in the city apparently is the new “FLEET MANAGER” for the city. Ronald Bonney of the Taxi fame and past President of the Chamber and sources tell us a rather large contributor to various campaigns here in Somerville started work June 1. The discussion was around the salary and maybe slightly higher than the board previously said. Apparently the original salary with the job was $63K but a year later Mr. Bonney being the first person to have this job will now receive little over $80K. Board members requested job description, job specifications and skills needed to fill the job, the DPW commission Stan Koty promised to get the information ASAP for the board members. The committee meeting with just the DPW lasted was recessed just about 11 p.m. This week was Recreation coming before the committee but to late for press time here. A reminder that the committee’s meetings will be taped and on channel 22, look for it and you can go online to get the proposed budget, might make for an interesting reading with a bowl of chips and tonic! By the  way has anyone ever seen the posting for this job? We didn’t…Just saying.


The Police Chief special committee will be submitting their final choices for the Alderman and residents to meet and be able to ask questions. The committee findings are expected to be submitted on the 25th. We hear of only two local and current Police Officers who have submitted resumes, Deputy Chief Mike Cabral and Deputy Chief David Fallon. Both good choices but we hear it’s not going to be either one as the final choice, and that’s too bad. Deputy Chief Fallon is a good guy and has a lot of support and so does Deputy Chief Cabral. We know that former Chief Holloway didn’t submit a resume like the rumor had it that he did, so that’s good. He cost the city a lot in the 2nd round.


Have you heard of Sylvester Baxter Park, yet? And who is Sylvester Baxter? Do you know or does anyone here in Somerville know? We have a park over at Assembly Square (I know you haven’t heard this before) but we do and it now connects Ten Hills with Assembly Square. It’s over a year now but the state hired contractors to build a “wooden bridge” under the Wellington Bridge, it’s very nice. It’s not officially opened but people find a way to get to it. We’re waiting for the unveiling of the bridge. We asked a couple of alderman and they knew nothing of a date to open it officially. The stone is wrapped on the Shore Drive side that appears to be the official plaque when it’s opened. Can the delay in opening be due to the workers, now on the job over a year or maybe the mayor is too busy? Maybe the mayor’s people are looking up to see who Sylvester Baxter is so they can do a bio? Either way, some of us are lifelong residents of the city and frankly although we don’t know everyone it’s a mystery as to the name and why? Shouldn’t it be after someone here in the city that was prominent? Let’s face it, we name schools after live people, maybe this Sylvester Baxter worked at the Ford plant or First National? Do you know?


The Zoning Appeals Board met last week and gave final approval for a variance for Daddy Jones Restaurant to substantially alter the outside and have outside seating on the back side (Broadway side) of the restaurant. There was no opposition to the petition.   Owner Dimitra Tsourianis represented herself and afterwards the board voted to grant it.    Also voted on at the meeting was the neighborhood situation at 50 Whitman Street. The neighborhood was against the owner of the property having three additional bedrooms in the basement granted, but after many months now the board approved the use. Former Holiday Cleaners has been sold and the new owners who want to put in 6 units (unclear as to rentals or condo’s) but there was a discussion on the lack of parking and where it would be, so no vote was taken it was continued.


Happy Birthday this week to some of our fans and readers here in the Ville and elsewhere. Big Happy Birthday to Ken Ward who is celebrating this week. To former State Senator Anthony Galluccio is celebrating this week. A nice guy and hopefully runs again soon for office. Former licensing board member and from a great Somerville family Ray Trant is celebrating this week. We certainly wish him well and know he reads our paper faithfully every week, so say “hi” to him when you run into him. To Attorney Mike Dwyer, well known here now in the city who also is on the SRA here. He’s recently back from that fact finding trip for Union Square. Happy Birthday to Suzanne Bremer who is celebrating this week, she’s very well known here in the city and is seen all the time around in various places, catch her at the Farmers Market right in her neighborhood.     Good friend Beth Chamberlain married to Donald who comes from an old Somerville family. Beth is a nice lady, and recently got a huge litter of pups that she sells. Another well-known person in the city, Director of Operations for the DPW, Ricky Willette is celebrating this week, a great guy, we wish him many more.


A good friend of ours Nick Potaris from Winter Hill recently suffered a mild heart attack and was taken to the hospital and fitted with a pace maker. We hear he’s home now. He’s doing good and frankly we need him to get going on his Tomato garden on Walnut Street. Love his fresh locally grown and he gives them away Tomatoes. Bobby needs to give him a rest these few weeks, and then Nick will be fine.


Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone and Ward 5 Alderman Mark Niedergang invite all community members to a public meeting on Wednesday, June 25 to discuss information and plans for the Lowell Street corridor from Highland Avenue to Medford Street, and to discuss possible plans to encourage safety. The meeting will be held in the Visiting Nurses Association’s community room on Lowell Street beginning at 6 p.m. The meeting is hosted by the Mayor’s Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development, Traffic & Parking, and the Department of Public Works. For more information, contact Hayes Morrison at 617-625-6600 ext. 2522, or


Save the date for a benefit night at Flatbread Pizza Company in Davis Square, Somerville on Tuesday, June 17, supporting the Family Planning Program of Cambridge Health Alliance. The Flatbread Company will donate a portion of all pizza sales from 5 p.m. until close to the Family Planning Program. The Family Planning Program is a grant-funded program providing reproductive health counseling and education services to the communities of Somerville, Cambridge, Everett, Malden, and Revere, reaching more than 14,000 clients annually. The benefit night will also include a raffle with prizes such as a massage, gym membership, housewares, books, and children’s toys.


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