News Talk

On April 21, 2004, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

What a shame about Trum Field. It’s bad enough that the kids in Little League couldn’t use the field for the parade and the opening game, but from what it looks like—the field will be unusable for the rest of the entire year! All this because of one department head in the old administration and his inability to check on the simple task of planting grass on the field directly in front of the DPW yard. How insane is that? Maybe he was stuck in traffic with his city issued SUV using up city paid gas going back and forth to the South Shore where he lived. We bet his lawn at home was taken care of properly—maybe we should send a reporter to check on it.

A good sign that Spring has sprung isn’t just the weather—but also includes school vacation week. We all have the tendency to drive a little loopy during the day rushing back and forth here and there—let’s remember there are kids trying to enjoy themselves—riding bikes, playing ball, doing what kids do. Drive a little slower, at least this week. We were driving home the other night at 10 p.m. and saw a kid hit by a motorist and it wasn’t a pretty sight. As another example, a five year old kid was killed in Middleton—certainly more suburban than our fair city —by a hit and run driver. Be careful is the message—for our children’s sake.

Oh-oh, here we go again. Another campaign promise kept by Mayor Joe. We can’t help it if the guy is delivering on his promises, can we? Soon there will be rehabbed and freshly landscaped roadway islands across the city. The best part is—it will be privately or corporately funded. Now the city can get rolling on other unsightly projects throughout the city. The city has also started saving money by asking Century Bank and Citizens Bank to cut their fees and both banks stepped up and did just that. A municipality that runs as much money as it does in a fiscal year through those banks shouldn’t have to pay exorbitant fees—just like an individual. It’s the little things like fees and services that can add up and croak you come budget time. This is the first administration in a long time that pays attention to the details.

In the last issue, this paper wrote about the Somerville Boxing Club and how it won a grant with the help of Congressman Capuano—that was a lovely story. Made us all warm and fuzzy. It is a worthwhile club for the kids, but the leadership within the club needs to go. They have caused more problems with landlords over the years—it has happened again—this time at their most recent location on Highland Avenue. They have been locked out of the building and they owe over $17,000 in back rent and utility bills. This isn’t the first time it has happened either—when will the kids and adults who belong to this club decide to make the leadership account for the monies they pay every month or year?

We have heard through the grapevine that the Lowell Street bridge issue is close to being settled and funded. We hear that the state has or is just about to give the approval to get the work done and get that bridge open again. We have to wonder if it was the new ramp that held it up or something else. Do yourselves a favor—ask one of our local legislators about it if you happen to have the chance—and see what kind of answer you get from them

Get well soon, Helen from the Rosebud—she fell down and hurt herself recently on some ice and broke several bones. Your smiling face is missed—have a speedy recovery.


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