News Talk

On May 19, 2004, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

We have seen some really strange headlines over the years from the “Farm Team”, but last week took the cake. Negative, pointless and dumb all come to mind when trying to comprehend where they were trying to come from in the article about the Neighborhood Impact Team—and that was an article tailor made for them too. This is a good idea and a positive thing for the community from the administration and they just don’t get it. Maybe the public relations people in the Mayors office have learned their lesson and might try to balance off stories like this between the two papers instead of having it blow up in their faces.

Remember—the “Farm Team” is owned by the Herald (along with other papers in the Community Newspaper chain). We are a free paper, report things as we see them (without an agenda) and we are from Somerville. The only thing about the “Farm Team” from here is the name Somerville in its title. The editor, the few writers and the advertising department sure as heck aren’t from here. Can you tell we don’t like them?

We heard a rumor and checked it out with her personally—former Administrative Aide to Mayor Kelly Gay, Cathy O’Dea—has a new career in real estate after passing the exam this past March 11th. Good for her—we can only hope she’s working for an agency that has plenty of good training in how to return phone calls— that’s an important facet to that job and one she just didn’t pass muster at in her former position. We also heard a few other people under the previous administration got decent jobs—some with the former Mayor at her present job—and some with her help elsewhere. Now that most of the Kool Aide drinkers are taken care of, maybe she will start talking to those of us who didn’t commit political seppuku.

We know Alderperson Provost is a “progressive” democrat, but does she really want to be remembered for her objections to the recent “gang ordinance” passed by the board? Denise, its simple— one gang wears blue bandanas and the other one wears blue and white checkered jackets. Only a whacko liberal, excuse us—“progressive”—would want to have some counseling introduced in that environment.

Life must be good in the land of no show jobs—otherwise known as Middlesex County. Our wonderfully run, bankrupt county is home to a former alderman of this city, who we affectionately call “video boy”. We hear that local political activist Herb Vargas, possible future Ward 3 Alderman candidate now has a job with his buddy over there. We wish Herbie luck, but not video boy. Please Dorothy—run against him

We have talked about the Somerville Boxing Club before and want to reiterate a few things. The premise behind the club is a good thing for the community, especially younger kids—it may be their only vehicle to getting out of a bad situation or staying out of trouble. That being said, the people running the boxing club should be embarrassed to walk the streets and ashamed of their own behavior in public. Knowing their past situations with previous landlords, the Masons took a chance and leased some of their space on Highland Avenue to the SBC. Now, they’ve been thrown out for owing not just a month or two—but over $20,000 in back rent and other miscellaneous bills and classless Norman Stone has made public threats against members of the building association and wild claims that the kids have been hurt by being evicted. This coming out of Stoney’s mouth right after he proclaimed in public that Ruiz just made a million in his last fight—more than enough to fly them to Vegas and Italy and definitely enough to “eliminate” a member of the association—the one member who stood up for them when they needed a place to stay. See you in court Stoney—we can’t wait to report all the news right here—we can only hope the owner of World Gym got his money in advance from them.

The Mayor’s recent Clean Up Day was a huge success. All across the city there were a few hundred people who took part and pitched in to make a difference. After it was over, there was a thank-you BBQ and celebration at Prospect Hill Park with plenty of donated refreshments on hand—well done! Another idea stolen by Cambridge. Somerville and Provincetown were the first cities in the Commonwealth to come “out” and state that the supposed state law dating back to 1913 was not applicable to gay marriage. The law, which was loosely interpreted by Governor Romney, only states that out-of-state licenses cannot be issued to anyone who knows of an illegal impediment in their home state from being married. Only 20 states have specific laws regarding gay marriage being specifically “illegal”. Cambridge just had to open its doors at midnight—maybe Dr. Osler recommended the opening time.

Sister Beatrice and the Little Sisters of the Poor/Jeanne Jugan Elderly Home for the needy, located on Highland Avenue, said a prayer and asked for help—in return they got a miracle. With just one phone call from Sister Beatrice to Mayor Joe explaining their desperate need for food at their facility, Mayor Joe asked local business owners to lend a helping hand. With the help of a donated U-Haul truck from U-Haul and Pat’s Towing on Linwood Street, Sister Beatrice was able to obtain a truckload of various grocery items from the Produce and Floral Exposition at the Heinz Convention Center in Boston. Sister Beatrice calls it a miracle of kindness.


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