Newstalk for August 4th 2004

On August 4, 2004, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Newstalk has become such a hit that it now has a special online section at our website you can also email us at with comments or “Newstalk” tidbits. If you call or email us with comments or tips, it will be confidential, but will have to be confirmed by at least one 3rd party source before being printed or even remotely labeled as a “rumor”.

Somerville’s Beacon Hill delegation, otherwise known as the Somerville Five, has a real chance to stand up for the citizens and police officers who are struggling against the gang menace here in our fair city. The fate of the homerule petition to approve the city’s anti-gang/loitering ordinance is being decided up on the “Hill”. The House held a voice vote on July 29th to send the bill to the Senate, but our moles at the State House tell us that rather than vote right away, the Senate legal staff convinced the Senate leadership to send it back to the House for tinkering. Our quick poll of the Somerville Five has it so far as Toomey and Ciampa solid behind the anti-gang ordinance in the House with Shannon solid and Barrios somewhat reliable in the Senate. Let’s see – one, two, three, four…ah, some things are best left unsaid. We will note that Dane Baird supports the anti-gang ordinance, whoever he is.

Rumor has it that the Governor is mad at our Mayor Joe for filing a lawsuit against the state, along with Provincetown, to be able to Marry out of state gay couples. Governor Romney is said to be so upset over this lawsuit that he is holding back on the monies for Dilboy Field. Some of our sources at the State House learned that the Somerville Five can’t even approach the Governor to talk about the funding for Dilboy – and those same sources say it’s because of the lawsuit.

Guess the few players on the Mystic “Our” View Task Force have filed a lawsuit stopping the Assembly Square renovations, claiming that they violate our zoning laws. Once again, we think this lawsuit is another attempt of the very few trying to stop and interfere in the progress that benefits the many. Remember, if you can’t get elected to public office the right way, there’s always litigation. These people should be ashamed of themselves for delaying the progress of this important development – hasn’t Somerville suffered long enough without the tax revenues?

Was that a former Mayor Dorothy Kelly Gay spotting at the DNC last week? (see page 17) We wonder if she’s planning on mounting a comeback? She probably has her eyes set on something – we will just have to wait and see. Some have said that you should be gracious in losing, but we don’t think she’s read that book yet. Apparently she’s still harboring bad feelings against all of those who didn’t drink the kool-aid – just ask anyone in the city who was once a friend.

Just when you thought all we did was cheerlead – we see shades of the old administration finally. We have heard that an email was sent out to every department head in the city by the Mayor’s Office instructing them to refer all press calls to Mark Horan – the Mayor’s Press Secretary. Trying to confirm this is tough, unless we invoke the Freedom of Information Act, or we just sit back and observe a pattern over time. There have been a number of reporters, and not just from this publication, that have commented to us that they would call a department head to ask a question and they have been referred to Mark Horan for comment. This wouldn’t be so bad, but some of the time – oh who are we kidding – most of the time he doesn’t return phone calls – could this be the second coming of Cathy O’Dea?

We love this one – in a city of approximately 78,000 citizens, a new group has been formed called the “Somerville Progressives”. They probably met at someone’s house. There was a whopping 18 of them there at a recent meeting and guess what – they endorsed a candidate running against popular State Rep. Tim Toomey. You know, some of us have lived here a long time and were considered “progressives” or even “liberals” in our day. We would really like to know what today’s definition of progressive is by this group’s standards, besides the Birkenstocks and fibrous snacks. All you have to do is get a few relatives and hangers-on together and call yourselves “Progressive” and endorse a candidate or two. Apparently being progressive now means not giving a list of members to the press either. Good looking out for your whack job friends – maybe they will drink the kool-aid– one can only hope

Did you see the news report on TV the other morning? It seems our good Mayor Joe was given a rave review by the three waitresses at The Rack in Boston. They were asked by a reporter who the best political tipper was and all three looked at each other and said right off that Joe Curtatone – the Mayor of Somerville. Nice work.

Senator Shannon will host his annual Cruise of Boston Harbor tonight – Wednesday evening – at Rowes Wharf on Atlantic Avenue in Boston. A favorite of ours, everyone has fun and the boat is typically packed. Get tickets, support the Senator, and watch the show.

Our former Publisher Bob Publicover is holding his 20th “Somerville Committee For A Response to Aids” fundraiser on Tuesday, August 17th from 5:00 to 8:00 PM at the Mt. Vernon Restaurant on lower Broadway. Donations to this worth while event are only $35.00 per person. If you’d like tickets, can either the Somerville News at 617-666-4010 or you can just show up at the door – either way this is an event that shouldn’t be missed.

Representative Vinny Ciampa is busy out knocking door to door, even in the heat he was seen in Winter Hill this past Saturday afternoon. Vinny has worked very hard for Somerville and Medford over the years and he’s a very popular Representative that gets things done. He has always been available to answer questions for people who live in his district, no matter what the issue is. His opponent is a relative newcomer to Somerville and he has sent out some real quality paper literature, it’s just too bad he never mentions his background in any of the pieces. We think if you’re new to the scene, that’s great but at least don’t be ashamed of it, let us know where you’re from and about you.


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