On December 24, 2013, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times


Christmas in the Ville

By Mike Browne


Christmas in the Ville is so rich in history

The culture, the landscape, some of it’s a mystery

There are so many things for a Villen to do

Tree lightings, Bazaars, and festivals are a few


You can tour our city and view all the lights

Or you can visit Prospect Hill and gaze into the nights

You can skate at the rinks or walk along the shore

Or go to a Highlanders game and watch them score


There’s Davis and Union and Assembly Row

Parts of Twin City and Porter we know

The best local shopping for all to see

Plenty of places to buy a Christmas tree


Christmas in the Ville is a gift in itself

You can run in our road race dressed like an elf

Our Police and Fire, True heroes no doubt,

Keeping us safe while inside and out.


Our children look forward to Santa each year

Just look at their faces when you mention reindeer

We all wish Christmas was more than one day

The world could benefit from the joy we display


Our teachers and leaders are second to none

They know what it takes to get the job done

When the snow falls, our streets look superb

Because our DPW plows the snow to the curb


All the good folks I’ve mentioned above,

Go beyond the call with their labor of love

We as true Villens appreciate them dearly

For without their commitment our Christmas would be dreary


There’s no better place anyone could find

Such a dense population but yet so kind

Our neighbors become family and values we instill

You know you’re at home when you live in the Ville



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