The Somerville News Endorsements for the Sept. 14 Primary

On September 1, 2004, in Latest News, by The News Staff

Our endorsements for the Sept. 14 Primary are both simple and difficult. We aren’t specifically against anyone in the two local State Rep primaries and we respect people who step up and put their name on a ballot and try to make a difference. This is the time for us to say what we are for – we are for our members of the delegation on Beacon Hill who will bring home the bacon, gain seniority, obtain chairmanships and work hard to help all the residents of Somerville navigate through the jungles of state government.

We have two effective State Reps out of three – one is a Chairman of an influential subcommittee and the other is a Vice Chairman of a different but just as influential subcommittee. Both of these Reps excel in constituent services. Then there is our third State Rep – ironically the one with no opposition this year – you know the one with no power, no influence and believe it or not, has open contempt for constituent services. This Rep loves going against the grain so much that she is actively helping remove the two Reps that actually make a difference for the rest of us. Consistently losing votes 159 to 1 must be frustrating, so having a goal to make it 157 to 3 is a nice goal to have.

We feel like we are taking crazy pills – you don’t have to be Mugato to see past this “Blue Steel” type of politics. More of the same of nothing at all – is still more of the same – of nothing at all. It’s only human nature to try and remove someone who excels at a job you are absolutely lousy at. The bad part about acting like that is that it eventually draws attention to yourself. Congrats.

Enough dancing around this issue – this is exactly how we feel – and why.

In the 26th Middlesex District, we endorse Timothy J. Toomey Jr. This was a very easy decision to make. Not because Tim’s opponent is a bad guy – he’s not – but because in Tim Toomey, we have a seven day a week guy fighting tooth and nail every waking minute of every day to better serve the residents of Somerville and Cambridge. Tim is someone who has always believed in constituent services and has secured the Chairmanship of the Joint Committee on Public Safety. Despite Tim’s seniority and his lofty title as Chairman – he remains a regular guy, who answers his own phone and will follow up until your problem is resolved. That’s commitment to the job.

In the 34th Middlesex District, we endorse Vincent P. Ciampa. This was another easy decision for us. As a former Somerville Alderman, Vinny has an appreciation for the problems that face our city government and how dependent a city like ours is on strong representation up on Beacon Hill. Over the years, Vinny has proven to be a good friend to the small businesses in Somerville and Medford, which are the economic backbone of our community. With his commitment to Somerville and Medford as strong as ever, Vinny has proven to be an effective legislator who works hard for us all – and he gets the job done with a smile. Experience and seniority deserves our vote.

Although Patricia D. Jehlen has no Democratic opponent, we will note that a retired Army officer – Dane Baird – will face her in November. The voters won’t have the chance to hold her accountable for her ineffectiveness in the Primary, but they will later on.

For Middlesex County Sheriff, we strongly endorse James V. DiPaola. Sheriff DiPaola has revolutionized the “office” of sheriff, at a time when many people wondered why we needed a County Sheriff at all. When the Chief of Police in Somerville wouldn’t send his honor guard to the swearing in ceremony for Mayor Curtatone, Sheriff DiPaola stepped up and enthusiastically sent his – showing his willingness to work with our new mayor. He has dramatically improved inmate facilities, his drug treatment and domestic violence programs have been recognized as national models and his political savvy has helped secure millions of dollars in Federal grants. Sheriff DiPaola has developed strong working relationships with not only Somerville, but other local law enforcement agencies throughout the county.


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