Taylor investigation for sexual misconduct with boy

On September 30, 2004, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

by Neil W. McCabe

A source familiar with the investigation of Ward 3 Alderman Thomas F. Taylor confirmed to The Somerville News that he is under investigation for sexual misconduct with a teenage boy who lived with the Taylor family.

“It is brutal stuff, and the details are so specific,” said the source. “He describes moles on Taylor’s body and other things about his anatomy.”

The source said the accuser referred to specific incidents, such as a time when Taylor’s wife left the two alone and there was inappropriate intimacy.

After the accuser filed his complaint, city police officers started to compare recollections and a consensus developed that Taylor and the teenage boy were together at events and seemed like a couple, said another source.

One city politician said when he heard the rumors of the Taylor investigation, it made him recall that he once bumped into Taylor in Boston’s South End with two teenage boys on each arm. Taylor told him that the boys were Berklee students whom Taylor was helping get a start in the music business. “It didn’t make sense then, but maybe it makes sense now.”


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