The View from Prospect Hill

On October 6, 2004, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

The worst kept secret in the city is that Ward 3 Alderman Thomas F. Taylor is under investigation by the State Police and the Middlesex County District Attorney Martha Coakley.

We have struggled to be responsible journalists with this matter, but we have an obligation to our readers and advertisers to be a competitive newspaper.

There is nothing in the paper today that anyone could have learned by calling the DA, a police source or a friendly alderman—six weeks ago.

We worry about being fair, but we worry more about being wrong. Although, our first Taylor story was on our Web site Aug. 25, we held the story from our last printed edition to give the story more time to play out.

That said, in the spirit of fraternal rebuke, may we suggest it is time for an explanation?

In August, as the rumors swirled through the city, the universal reaction was to defend Taylor. To a large extent that is still true today. Yet, by maintaining that he knows nothing about anything, Taylor is leaving his friends to twist in the wind. Sooner is better than later.

If an alderman’s seat becomes vacant before Jan. 1, the mayor appoints a replacement, who is confirmed by the board of alderman. If the seat is vacant after Jan. 1, there is a special election.

Some friends, such as Dorothy A. Kelly Gay, are making plans for Taylor’s seat coming open. Maybe she wants to keep the seat in the family?

We continue to follow the story and will publish updates in the paper and on the Web site as appropriate.


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