The Somerville News has learned that a number of candidates have lined up to succeed the late Charles E. Shannon Jr., for the Second Middlesex state senate seat, which includes all of the city’s Wards 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, and parts of Wards 1 and 2, Medford, Winchester and parts of Worburn.

The word is now that Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone’s political organization is consolidating behind Ward 5 Alderman Sean T. O’Donovan.

Stan Koty told the paper he will not run.

The mayor returns from Israel Sunday.

O’Donovan would join other city politicians Alderman-at-large William A. White Jr., and State Rep. Patricia D. Jehlen, D-Somerville.

Somerville residents who are also considering runs include Bruce M. Desmond, the president of the board of alderman and businessman Ross Blouin.

White would run if he was unopposed in the Republican Primary, but we have learned that Winchester’s Eric Shediac is now in the race for the GOP nomination.

Shannon’s chief of staff, Sean J. Fitzgerald, who was the communications director for former mayor Dorothy A. Kelly Gay, is considering a run as well.

Kelly Gay will not run.

Other hats in the ring:

State Rep. Paul Donato, D-Medford; State Rep. Paul Casey, D-Winchester; Governor’s Councilor Michael Callaghan, D-Medford; Medford City Councilors Robert M. Penta and Paul A. Camuso; and Medford School Committee Member William J. Brady.

The dates of the primary and special election have not been set.



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