Surprising outcome for cops, jail for another

On August 30, 2013, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

By Jim Clark

A police officer on his way to work by car around 4:30 a.m. on Monday morning took notice of three males as they walked along the sidewalk near 282 McGrath Hwy.

The officer reportedly noted that the men stopped in front of NUCLEO Sport Club, a location known by police to have a history of numerous car break-ins.

The officer stopped his car and turned off his lights a short distance away from that location in order to observe what would transpire next, police said.

The officer reported that one of the men walked towards a parked car and flashed a light into the passenger window of the car, then walked back to where his companions were waiting. After a moment, the same man once again approached the vehicle and shined a light into the passenger window, according to reports.

The officer then called for backup, assuming that the men in question were planning to break into the parked car, police said.

When the backup unit arrived the officers approached the car and the men standing nearby. At that point the doors of the car unexpectedly opened and two females stepped out of the vehicle.

Upon seeing the approaching officers, one of the men, later identified as Michael Lopes, 24, began shouting and accusing the officers of police harassment.

As Lopes’ behavior reportedly became more aggressive and antagonistic, officers decided to restrain him for everyone’s safety.

Lopes reportedly continued to shout and accuse the officers of beating him and pushing him to the ground, as he struggled with officers and resisted their attempts to calm him down.

It was noted by the officers on the scene that Lopes had the odor of alcohol on his breath.

Once Lopes was sufficiently subdued, the female passenger of the parked car explained that the man who approached and illuminated the vehicle with his cell phone was her boyfriend and that they were simply conducting an ongoing conversation.

Lopes, because of his aggressive behavior, was placed under arrest and charged with disorderly conduct.


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