Jehlen blast Romney budget priorities

On May 29, 2005, in Latest News, by The News Staff

Jehlenby Neil W. McCabe

The city’s state representative for the 27th MIddlesex District, who is running for the Democratic nomination to succeed the late Charles E. Shannon Jr., in the state senate criticized Gov. W. Mitt Romney’s spending decisions.

“Governor Romney has spent three years cutting vital programs and  services for working people and families in Massachusetts,” said State Rep. Patricia D. Jehlen, who worked with Shannon to secure funding for the repair of the Lowell Street Bridge in the last weeks of his life.

“It’s appalling that he now wants to twist the knife by  cutting taxes. He has cut local aid and placed an incredible burden on  our communities," she said.

"Cities and towns are struggling to fund schools,  police and fire departments. Meanwhile, Governor Romney is following  President Bush’s model of cutting taxes regardless of the consequences  for working families.

“President Bush and Governor Romney have shown us the reality of  trickle down economics: the federal government cuts taxes and reduces  state aid, the state government cuts taxes and reduces local aid, and  citizens lose essential services and see their property taxes skyrocket," she said.

At the end of the day, we all pay more for these tax cuts with increased property taxes and out-of-pocket expenses to cover the cuts in service.

“When I am elected to the State Senate, I will continue to stand up for working families and fight Governor Romney’s reckless tax cuts,” she said.

“Right now he wants to cut taxes to burnish his conservative credentials for a presidential run, and that is playing politics at the expense of our working families," she said.

Jehlen said, "We must restore the funding he’s cut from local aid, develop affordable housing, provide access to affordable health care, build the Green Line extension to Somerville and Medford, and make sure our children have the best  education possible. I will not stop fighting until all of the promises to our working families have been fulfilled.”


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