Callahan Announces More Endorsements

On July 14, 2005, in Latest News, by The News Staff

Callahan Announces More Endorsements

By John M. O’Hara

A candidate for the 2nd Middlesex District seat announced two diverse endorsements today. 

Michael J. Callahan said his efforts to win the seat left vacant by the death of Charles E. Shannon Jr. received a boost when he received endorsements from the mayors of Medford and Woburn — Michael J. McGlynn and John C. Curran respectively, along with support from three area unions – the MBTA Management Union Local #453, Ironworkers Union Local #7, and the Boston Carmen’s Union Local #589. 

Callahan placed equal importance on each vote of confidence.

"Obviously I am very pleased to have these important endorsements," he said.

Callahan said he will work hard and prove he is worthy of the accolades.

"As state Senator, I promise to take the fight to protect worker’s jobs directly to the senate floor.  I will support raising minimum wage for all Massachusetts workers and I will help working families by making affordable and accessible health care a reality for every Massachusetts resident.

"And I look forward to working closely with Mayor McGlynn and Mayor Curran on behalf of the citizens of Medford, Woburn, Somerville, and Winchester.  I know these communities like the back of my hand- they rely on local aid as a vital source of revenue to keep local government running.  As a state Senator, I am committed to making sure these communities receive the state revenues they deserve to help ease the burden of the taxpayers," he said.

Callahan’s supporters stressed his integrity and leadership skills. 

"The Carmen’s Union feels very fortunate to have a friend of Mike Callahan’s stature and integrity running for the Massachusetts state Senate.  I know he will be a great asset to the working men and women in his district," said Boston Carmen’s Union Local #589 President Stephan G. McDougall.

"Michael Callahan is a hard working public servant with a well earned reputation for helping people.  I am very pleased to offer him my endorsement for state Senator because I know that as our next state Senator, Michael Callahan will fight for our city.  He will ensure that we get much needed state aid for essential city services to help educate our children and keep our streets safe," said McGlynn.

The special election primary is Tuesday, August 30th and the general election is scheduled for Tuesday, September 27th.


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