Poll: Jehlen ahead of Mackey by 6%

On July 26, 2005, in Latest News, by The News Staff

Poll: Jehlen ahead of Mackey by 6%

By George P. Hassett

An anonymous source today told the Somerville News about a poll conducted to determine the status of the race for the 2nd Middlesex state Senate seat.

The poll measured the current standings of Patricia D. Jehlen, Michael J. Callahan, Joseph K. Mackey and Paul C. Casey in their quest to replace the late Charles E. Shannon Jr. in the Massachusetts state Senate.

"It was a reputable, professional and paid for poll," said the source, insisting on anonymity.

"Jehlen is ahead of the pack as of now. Mackey is a close second, trailing by 6% and Callahan is a not so close third. Casey is in fourth far from the lead," he said.

Georgia Hollister Isman, Jehlen’s campaign manager said she was not surprised at the results.

"Pat has an incredible base of support, an excellent record in the legislature and has always been a strong advocate in the community. It would have surprised me if she hadn’t done well," she said.

The state Senate seat became vacant after Shannon passed away April 6. The democratic primary will be August 30th and the final election September 27.


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