Learn how to repair your own windows this coming Saturday at the Somerville Museum.
By Cathleen Twardzik
On June 29 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., partake in the workshop entitled How to Repair Windows Yourself, taking place at the Somerville Museum at 1 Westwood Road in Somerville.
The workshop, which will be a “hands-on demonstration,” will utilize an existing window of the Somerville Museum. David Liberty, Window Restoration and Repair Specialist, will serve as the workshop’s instructor.
By using the right resources, care and knowledge, it is possible for your windows to remain usable for a good amount of time. Therefore, you may only need to repair instead of replace them.
The City of Somerville Historic Preservation Commission (SHPC) and Historic Somerville are sponsoring this event.
Restoring your windows instead of replacing the structures will prove to be energy-efficient, environmentally friendly, and cost-effective. Additionally, old windows are of higher quality and they preserve the character of your house, as well.
Liberty decided to instruct the workshop because “Brandon [Wilson, Executive Director of SHPC] contacted me. I’ve had a long history with Somerville,” he said. Also, Liberty has “taught for many years,” including in Somerville. “I’ve also been associated with [The Reuse Center at Boston Building Resources in Roxbury] for over 20 years.”
If your curiosity about the system that is used to decide if a window can be restored or if it needs to be replaced is high, then you are in luck because, “That’s something we cover in my workshop,” said Liberty.
However, if people Google search window restoration, copious results will be returned about “replacing versus restoring windows,” he said.
Tips about window repair may also be found on Liberty’s website at http://windowrepair.com/.
Since 1985, Liberty has spent his time restoring windows. Interestingly, Liberty, who is well-known throughout the Boston area, has been spotlighted on This Old House on PBS.
He has taught classes in Boston, Brookline and Cambridge at adult education centers, as well as at the Reuse Center at Boston Building Resources.
The workshop will cost $50 per person, and the class size will be limited to no greater than 15 participants to guarantee that each individual receives ample attention.
The proceeds will fully support The Somerville Museum’s Access For All ADA Project of the Somerville Museum Building Fund.
Interested individuals may register by contacting Brandon Wilson at bwilson@somervillema.gov or (617) 625-6600, ext. 2532.
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