The View From Prospect Hill for August 3, 2005

On August 2, 2005, in Latest News, by The News Staff

The View From Prospect Hill for August 3, 2005

      The Progressive Democrats of Somerville endorsed Lawrence Paolella in Ward 3. What a joke.
      Paolella is challenging Thomas F. Taylor for the Ward 3 Alderman’s seat that Taylor has held for nine terms. At the July 11 PDS endorsement forum, roughly 30 members gathered at 259 Lowell Street to discuss the municipal elections.

        The Progressive Democrats of Somerville endorsed Lawrence Paolella in Ward 3. What a joke.
        Paolella is challenging Thomas F. Taylor for the Ward 3 Alderman’s seat that Taylor has held for nine terms. At the July 11 PDS endorsement forum, roughly 30 members gathered at 259 Lowell Street to discuss the municipal elections.
        When it came time to discuss the Ward 3 race, a representative of Lawrence Paolella spoke of Lawrence’s high-minded ideals. And, of course, they were each right on target. Ideals always are. It also did not hurt Lawrence that he was a dues-paying member of PDS.
         At that point, the moderator of the event said Taylor was not in attendance and the vote would be taken without his side being heard.
        One hour later, Tom Taylor arrived and taught the kids a lesson. He taught the PDS youngsters a thing or two about fair, open government.
        With the vote already closed, Taylor took his seat at the front of the room and began to speak.
        “While preparing my comments, I began to think of the actions I have taken in my career that could be called progressive. And to be honest, I came up with quite a bit,” he said.
         Taylor spoke of his efforts to open up the political process in the city and allow citizens to use the Board of Alderman as a public forum. He spoke of his constant support of affordable housing and a living wage for people in the city. Basically, he laid out all the work he had done in the city for the past three decades.
          A story he did not tell that night but is telling occurred in 1986. A fire at the corner of Spring Hill Terrace and Highland Avenue burned 88 undocumented immigrants out of 20 studio apartments. Taylor made sure this would not happen in his city again.
         He sponsored an ordinance that allowed undocumented immigrants access to public safety and health care without fear of being turned over to law enforcement.
        “That resolution encouraged newcomers to obtain health care and safer living conditions. But it also protected the entire community because it prevented the spread of disease and the possibility of another fire,” he said.
         After he spoke, two PDS members thought the voting should be opened up again. They said Tom Taylor had not had a chance to speak his piece, and now that he had they wanted the opportunity to change their votes. The request was put to a vote and was overwhelmingly denied. The two PDS members would not have a chance to choose the candidate they wanted.
         Shortly after, the results were announced. The Progressive Democrats of Somerville voted to endorse Lawrence Paolella in Ward 3.
         And so, the organization that has charged so many elected officials with patronage and favoritism shut down Taylor’s voice and took care of one of its own.


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