Assembly Square developers go airborne

On August 24, 2005, in Latest News, by The News Staff

Helicopter_pics_029Assembly Square developers go   airborne

The blue skies above Assembly Square were full of helicopters the morning of August 24, as thirty-two air conditioners were lifted to the top of the old Kmart store.

Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone, who donned protective glasses to shield his eyes from debris, said the helicopter strategy was both less costly and safer than any other method.

"This was the safest and most cost-effective way to get these air-conditioners to the top of the building. If we had used cranes to lift the ac’s, it would not only been more expensive and time consuming, but also dangerous because the air conditioners would have put too much pressure on them," he said.

William Morrow, the Director of Construction for Assembly Square developers Federal Realty Trust, said he agreed that flight was the best method of lifting thirty two 1-ton air conditioners.

"If we had used cranes, this would have taken three or four weeks to do. This was the easiest way to do it, but also the safest," he said.

Morrow said the $35 million project has yet to face any significant hurdles.

"Knock on wood, everything has gone smoothly," he said. 



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