Newstalk for September 7, continued

On September 8, 2005, in Latest News, by The News Staff

Newstalk for September 7, continued

Here it is folks, the rest of Newstalk for September 7. We wanted to save it a little longer, but decided it was wrong to deprive you, the good people of Somerville, of your bi-weekly dose of truth. Enjoy…

In the upcoming Alderman-At-Large race we don’t see any of the incumbents losing their seats, even though there has been controversy with one of them.  Bill White, Dennis Sullivan, Bruce Desmond and Denise Provost all seem very likely to return to serve for another two years.  Don’t get us wrong, the newcomers are working hard and hitting the streets – Marty Martinez and Steve Glines have been making citywide names for themselves and we have also seen Herb Foster (sorry, we meant Kim) all over the place.  Sure seems like a lot of signs going up on Housing Authority employee homes – isn’t that great that Herb (sorry, again we meant Kim) can persuade all those workers to put signs on their property.  Speaking of Herb, he certainly is working hard for the job – he is truly setting the example of how much a father can support his daughter.  Wait a second, didn’t Herb run for Alderman once before?   Hmmmmm we think so.  Herb certainly gets around – retired from the MBTA, retired from the Somerville Housing Authority Board, now he is an employee there, he also sits on the City of Somerville Zoning Board of Appeals and he is a private contractor for the city’s snow removal.  Wow, we knew he was connected, but can you imagine being able to make that kind of public money?  No wonder his own name isn’t on the ballot – why give up all that dough?  We wish Kim the best, but suggest strongly that she get out there herself and work for it and make her own name – after all, her father certainly has for all his jobs.


More and more Somerville Police Officers are complaining of respiratory problems – the problem is growing every week!  Some personnel never even realized that long term symptoms they have had were as serious as they are.  Most of them thought they just had allergies or a common cold – not knowing how dangerous and serious their illnesses are!  And then you get the Mayor who was very quick to say that the building is safe – in spite of the Firemen evacuating the building years ago, the mold growing up the walls and the strange odor throughout the building.  We’d like to know who approved the original building where the old MTA car barn was and if there were any environmental impact studies done on the site and where those test results are.


We don’t agree at all with the pundits that say that long time Ward Aldermen Tom Taylor and Jack Connolly are pushovers this year.  These are two of the most active aldermen in the city for many years who have worked hard and have delivered for their respective wards.  Tom is well liked across his ward and he should be for all the hours he has spent making sure people were helped when they needed it and Jack has been a force to reckon with in his ward going all the way back to the Davis Square Task Force.  Recently we heard that one of Tom’s opponents was out knocking on doors and happened upon a certain person’s home who rarely if ever has anything to do with politics and knows little of what is going on.  When the candidate left, this person not only didn’t have any more information about the race than he did before he answered the door, but now couldn’t even figure out why this person was running for office.

Did anyone hear about new management taking over the Supreme Deli on Highland Avenue across from Somerville Hospital?  We have it on good authority that former Somerville News Publisher Bob Publicover has taken over Supreme as the new owner.  Now this could end up being another hot spot for the rumor mill to churn away every day along with Sunny’s Deli on Bow Street.


The two local Masonic Lodges located at 125 Highland Avenue will be having an Open House on Saturday, September 24th from 10am to 4pm.  King Solomon’s Lodge, which is going on 223 years in existence along with Somerville Lodge will be opening their doors together that day, giving tours and answering any questions you might have.  There are over 300 Masonic Lodges presently in Massachusetts with thousands of members and other organizations which are related to Masonry such as The Shriners – who take care of burn victims for free – all over the country and the world.  Also, we would like to note that Bill Tauro will be having an open to the public Installation of Officers on Saturday, September 17th in the evening – he will be installed as the Master of King Solomon’s Lodge A.F. & A.M. that night and all are welcome.



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