The View From Prospect Hill

On October 12, 2005, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

The View From Prospect Hill

  Steven Glines, candidate for alderman-at-large, recently knocked on a Somerville door, asking for a residents consideration come Election Day. He was met with a distant voice, which yelled, “Nobody’s home. Go away.”
The first-time candidate laughed and went to the next home. Most of his door knocking experiences had not been as interesting.

Most of the time, exchanges are cordial, short and simple. On a recent walk with Ward 5 Alderman Sean T. O’Donovan, most exchanges between incumbent and voter lasted less than a minute.
Though door knocking may not be as glitzy and modern as some of the higher-tech strategies recent elections have brought voters, it remains the most effective method of voter-candidate interaction.
And the most time consuming.
The late Charles E. Shannon got sideways looks and snide snickers when he spoke of his plans to knock on every voter’s door in the 2nd Middlesex district in his quest to unseat Salvatore Albano.
But after Election Day, he got a new office in the State House and the admiration of his colleagues. He had proven his commitment to directly contacting the constituents he represented.
Joseph K. Mackey’s campaign to succeed Shannon was built on a similar premise – reaching voters and listening to their questions and concerns. His campaign staff compiled a CD-Rom profiling Mackey’s life and career. But to listen to the candidate, you may have been fooled into believing he didn’t know how to operate such tricknology.
Instead, Mackey bragged of wearing away the soles of two new pairs of shoes and meeting people he had not seen since elementary school. He even said he had met a woman who claimed to be an old square dancing partner of his mother’s.
So the next time, a young alderman at large candidate raps on your door, answer! You may find an old square-dancing partner waiting. But hopefully you will find an energetic politico waiting to listen.      


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