One hand in the pocket equals two in the cash register for this crook

On October 26, 2005, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

One hand in the pocket equals two in the cash register for this crook

By Andrea Gregory

  The man kept one hand in his pocket. He allegedly lingered around the store waiting for the right opportunity. When the coast was clear and the door had closed behind the last customer, he made his move.
  On Oct. 18, Friendly Market, at 71 Springfield St., was robbed.
  The man who had been lingering down the isles, went right behind the counter once the store was empty. He pushed the woman who had been working behind the counter to the floor, and then grabbed her, pulling her toward the cash register, according to the police report.

  The woman had noticed that the man had his hand in his pocket, and told police she believed he could have been armed. She opened the drawer on command.
   After the register, the man went for the woman’s purse. He rummaged through it before throwing it down, and fleeing the scene with an undisclosed amount of cash.
   The woman told police she ran out of the store after the man and watched him make his way down Springfield Street, heading toward Cambridge Street, in Cambridge.
   The Somerville police contacted the Cambridge police, asking them to be on the lookout.
Police believe they are looking for a black man in his 20s. He was wearing blue jeans and a dark top at the time of the incident.
   Anyone with information should call the (617) 625-1600 and ask to speak with the detectives.


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