Newstalk for Wednesday November 2nd, 2005

On November 1, 2005, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Here it is Somerville, what you have all been waiting for — Newstalk, your bi-weekly dose of truth. Sorry bloggers, you will have to pick up the print edition of The Somerville News to get this week’s entire edition. But here’s a little sample just to keep you satisfied:

Newstalk for Wednesday November 2nd, 2005

The Somerville Democratic City Committee met at the VNA last Wednesday – the 26th – and a fairly large crowd was in attendance to hear Senator Pat Jehlen speak about unity in the party and coming together so that we can be a more focused group when trying to elect a Democratic Governor in the next state election.  Her speech was well delivered and well received and there just may be some hope that we can come together instead of propagating the “us against them” mentality.  Someone asked if there was an idea as to when the special election to fill the State Rep seat she held would be and she indicated that it wouldn’t be until early 2006.

State Rep Carl Sciortino saw us at the SDCC meeting and corrected us – while we had it right that he moved to Medford – he moved to Orchard Street, not Cottage Street.  We wish him luck in his new home.

Local elections can get bizarre – we heard that in Ward 3 some “Lawrence” signs have found their way onto properties without permission – and here is the twist – on those same properties, Steve Glines signs were taken down, also without permission.  We thought we would look into it and it appears that the homeowners in question knew nothing about Glines’ signs coming down and Lawrence’s signs going up.  Funny things happen when it’s election season.

We see that the Mayor is having a “pre-election” rally on November 2nd.  He must be worried about that candidate “Nobody”, because he’s rallying his troops to make sure “Nobody” won’t get more votes than he will.  What we found interesting is that he’s charging $20.00 per person – now some of us here at The News go way back in local politics (shhhh even pre-S. Lester Ralph days…) and we have never seen a “pre-election” rally with people being charged at the door to get in.  It’s another sign of the times – apparently Joe still owes a lot of money to people or he wouldn’t be charging for this rally.  We still think “Nobody” is going to get a lot of votes on Election Day for Mayor, don’t you?

To read the full edition of Newstalk, see the print edition of The Somerville News.


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