Request for toilet paper turns to prison break at Somerville jail
By George P. Hassett

   An imprisoned woman briefly escaped her jail cell at dawn on Monday Nov. 14 when a prison matron brought her a sheet of toilet paper.
   Jennifer Stacy, 21, of Cambridge, requested toilet paper then ran past the matron who had opened her cell to hand it to her. Stacy then opened the exterior sally port doors and ran to Washington St.
    According to the police report, officers searched the area and found Stacy nearby on Rossmore Street.
   ‚ÄúAs I entered Rossmore Street, I saw a vehicle that was idling and behind the vehicle was the prisoner, Jennifer Stacy. After making eye contact with me, she realized she was caught and walked towards my cruiser. I placed her under arrest for escaping a municipal lock up,‚Äù said Officer Marcos Freitas in his report.
   Stacy was in the Somerville lock up facility as the result of a June incident in which she allegedly stabbed a Bob‚Äôs Store security guard four times with a syringe. According to prosecutors, Stacy then turned to onlookers and asked, ‚ÄúDoes anyone else want AIDS?‚Äù


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