Moroney speaks to the News about her plans

On November 26, 2005, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Moroney speaks to the News about her plans

By George P. Hassett

      The candidate for the 27th Middlesex district state representative believes Somerville has been cheated.

      ‚ÄúWe have been circumvented in Somerville. The communities around us have reaped the benefits of our growth,‚Äù said Elizabeth Moroney one of two Democratic candidates who have thus far said they will compete for the seat vacated by Patrica D. Jehlen, D-Somerville.

      Moroney is running against Alderman at Large Denise Provost and Ward 3 resident John A. Roderick, whi running as an independent. She is a member of the Planning Board and Chief of Staff for Sen. Pam Raiser, D-Acton.

      Moroney said she is a typical Somerville resident.

      ‚ÄúI moved here as a young adult and I loved it so much that I made it my home like so many other people in this city,‚Äù she said

      Moroney said she has witnessed the growth of Somerville but still does not believe the city gets fair treatment from Beacon Hill.

      ‚ÄúI have watched this city change. Today, it is on the verge of great things. The Green Line is on its way and development is everywhere. Somerville is now poised for big things,‚Äù she said.

      ‚ÄúBut I still believe we are underserved at the state level and that is where I want to help. I didn‚Äôt vote for Mitt Romney but I know a lot of his staff, and that can be just as important,‚Äù she said.

      Moroney said her experience at the State House is a major reason why she is the best choice for state representative.

      ‚ÄúMy opponent does not have experience in the state house. She does not have the legislative experience I have. I spend my days reading legislation and writing budget proposals. The elected officials in the state house and their staff are people I know and see every day. I have built up relationships with these people that will allow me to work effectively for Somerville,‚Äù she said.

      Moroney said the issue of affordable housing is one of the most personal issues she will confront if elected.

      ‚ÄúAffordable housing is one of the issues I feel most connected to. I don‚Äôt own a home now and this city is the only place I want to live but I jus can‚Äôt afford it. But more importantly, the senior citizens who made Somerville what it is today are being forced out,‚Äù she said.

      The Democratic Primary for the 27th Middlesex state representative seat will take place Jan. 10th. The General Election will occur Feb. 7.


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