Mayor endorses Patrick

On January 13, 2006, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Mayor endorses Patrick

Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone endorsed Deval Patrick in his run for governor today, according to a press release from the Patrick campaign.

‚ÄúI‚Äôve seen Deval in action and I know he has the experience, leadership skills and compassion to be an effective and successful governor,‚Äù said Curtatone in the release.  ‚ÄúThere‚Äôs no question that he has a deep understanding of the challenges facing cities and towns across the Commonwealth ‚Äì and that, as governor, he would be a strong partner for local officials and local governments.  But my support goes beyond the issues of immediate concern to cities and towns. Across the board, I think he is the best candidate to lead the people of Massachusetts over the next four years.‚Äù

Curtatone joined the mayors of Taunton, Pittsfield, Salem, Northampton and Cambridge in supporting the 39 year old gubenatorial candidate.


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