News talk for February 8, 2006
There was a good crowd at Good Times on Sunday for “The Shannon Super Bowl Sunday Breakfast” held this year to establish a scholarship fund in the last senator’s name. A large crowd was on hand to see and be seen, and is reported to have raised a substantial amount of money. It was a good turnout and a pleasant opportunity to see all the political faces in the crowd. Dorothy Shannon was very pleased, but if you didn’t go you can call 781-729-5534 for details on how to help the fund or go online to
Well the Democratic Caucuses were held on Saturday and there were basically no fights in the various wards. It looks like Deval Patrick did well, the mood and talk was that Reilly shot himself in the foot one too many times, especially when it came to his disastrous choice for Lt. Governor. The caucuses at Ward 4 went smoothly and everyone was out of there in short time. Interesting new rules at this year’s caucuses though – the people who make the rules can’t have an IQ higher than 80. These people must see the meaning of life when they sit down to design guidelines for a simple political gathering.
Don’t read too much into Patrick’s strong performance. The democratic caucuses are usually dominated by liberal activists – a sector that clearly is favoring Patrick at this point. When it comes time to vote they may be outnumbered by a Massachusetts crowd that doesn’t always match the level of whacko liberalism we enjoy here in Somerville.
Mayor Joe recently returned from his short trip to Gaeta, Italy. He looked tired but in good spirits this Sunday at the Shannon Breakfast. While he and his travel companions Janice DeLory and Ward 2 Alderman MaryAnn Heuston were abroad living the good life, things went on as usual in our quiet little city. We hope they stayed abreast of what was happening here by logging on to our website, and checking out the scene.
At the Department of Public Works there had been a Vietnam-era TNT detonator lying around, but recently the explosive device was found to be missing. The cops were called in and some city workers are being interviewed and asked to take a lie detector test. Also a request by the higher ups at the DPW reportedly asked for all computer hard drives to be looked at by the police for suspicious activity. Lie detectors are being used a lot recently here in Somerville, hopefully they’re using more then one machine so there isn’t a long line.
Speaking of lie detector’s and interrogations, we haven’t heard a word as to where the money missing from the Traffic & Parking Department could be. We’re wondering why the city hasn’t made announcements as to who might have done it or if they have any good leads. There’s all sorts of rumors flying around the city in the various rumor pits and some are kind of nasty, but we hope that the city cracks this case or heads will roll down at the T&P for leaving doors unlocked, cash out and safes open. Has anyone checked to see if the door is locked this evening?
First there was the mistake in the water department when a lot of citizens got the wrong amount billed to them. Then there was the mistake on the census forms which had a lot of people living in different wards and precincts. Now there are the 1099 forms from the City of Somerville retirement board that have been printed incorrectly with the wrong amounts. Well we don’t need to know who’s going to pay for these mistakes do we? Yes its us the taxpayers. We have a suggestion maybe they should hire a person to edit all mailings with bills attached so they go out correctly the first time to the taxpayers.
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