News Talk for the week of March 15

On March 14, 2006, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

News Talk for the week of March 15

We received an interesting piece of mail this week at the office. It was an anonymous letter inside a little white envelope (they seem to be everywhere in Somerville these days‚Ķor are they?) with no return address containing a juicy piece of info.  In the letter, it said a list of suspects for the Traffic and Parking theft had been given to the acting police chief, but when it moved on from the chief to the mayor one name had been removed.   The removed suspect is being protected because of her close relationship with a powerful individual in the city, said the letter. We hope this isn‚Äôt the case and we can soon hear the city announce that they caught the person.
Remember when the Mayor used to have the Board of Alderman under his thumb? Well, his grip seems to be loosening. A month ago, the mayor asked the board to quickly approve a measure that would allow the city to accept banners to hang for beautification purposes – the board still has yet to approve it and seems more worried about doing a thorough job reviewing the policy then pleasing Mayor Joe.

The assault on the businesses seems to be continuing in Somerville. The BOA approved a home rule petition doubling the amount contractor‚Äôs pay to the city for police details.   Why discourage business from taking place in our city?   But why not, especially when the taxpayers can just pick up the difference?   Most ridiculous of all is that the petition is now being sent to the State House for approval, but representative/alderman Denise Provost, voted against it.   How hard do you think she will advocate for the petition?   
Seems Mayor Joe was rushed out of City Hall in ambulance over a week ago and had nasal surgery done, and he came home in good shape this past weekend. We wish him speedy recovery and very glad he’s home, and ready to get back to work.
Ok so it looks like the Mystic My View Task Force is at it again, this time the courts ruled that the city was wrong in changing the zoning down at Assembly Square. Of course it‚Äôs going to be appealed, but what are the consequences if the appeal goes against the city. Are we in for major financial proberlms?   Will the stores there be told to close down?  Will the developers have to put the old Mall back to where it was before? Lots of money hangs on this one. Oh and a side note we learned that the lady who brought the suit on behalf of MVTF, Louana Evarts, has now moved to New York. Isn‚Äôt that a kick.
Now regarding that letter from Tony Lafuente to Joe Curtatone (the letter on the front page from Tony)– we know two things: one, his assessment is high — very high — but we also know that Mayor Joe‚Äôs sister‚Äôs house is higher. If Tony is correct, is the Mayor is out to get his sister?   We don‚Äôt think he would do that, or would he? Two, didn‚Äôt  Tony get a tax abatement that went just under 1-M last year? We‚Äôre looking into it.

Happy Birthday to former site director of the Clarendon Hill Towers, Chuck Laham, his family recently threw him a surprised party at the Harvard Club of Boston last week, which was attended by many of his friends here in Somerville.
Sad good-bye to John at Buddy’s Truck Stop on Washington Street, which was recently sold. John is calling it quits after many years of great food and service. The trolley-like diner on Washington Street is well known, we hear that the new owners are going to continue with the same service and great food. We wish you luck in your retirement John, its been great.
Maurice Haddad, who has put his gas station (Foss Park Gas) up for sale, recently gave the news that his long time manager/life partner Valerie George passed away from a long illness with cancer. Valerie was always a smiling face and was well liked by many who knew her at the station, she will be missed.
Don‚Äôt forget to celebrate the holiday coming up with ‚ÄúThe Race of Ireland & United State of America here in Davis Square this Sunday. Some of the  money raised for this charity will be donated to various local organizations in need.
The 2nd Annual Guns & Hoses Hockey Game between the Somerville Police and the Somerville Fire Dept will be Sunday March 26th 5:00 p.m. at the Somerville Veterans Rink. The game dedication to the memory of David Leo Martini, Matt “Matty” O’Brien and Ryan Sullivan. All donations go to the Somerville Youth Hockey Association, we hope it’s a packed house. It should be a lot of fun.
At the recent ERA Boston/Massachusetts Awards Banquet in Newton last Friday evening local office ERA The Norton Group won several awards as a company on top many agents winning awards. The company won ‚ÄúThe Most Improved Company‚Äù in Massachusetts and ‚ÄúThe Diversity Award for Massachusetts‚Äù as well as its broker owner Donald Norton was retired as President of the Council and was given a special thank you by the members. ERA has 68 offices in Massachusetts almost 1000 agents and is a member of the Largest Real Estate Franchise Systems in the World, along with C-21 & CBRB. To see more on the Awards go directly to  to read about them.


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