Capuano endorses Patrick for Governor

On March 27, 2006, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Capuano endorses Patrick for Governor

By George P. Hassett

   U.S. Congressman Michael E. Capuano today announced his support for gubernatorial candidate Deval Patrick at Patrick’s Charlestown headquarters.

   "It is my great pleasure to endorse Deval Patrick for governor of Massachusetts. He is a candidate who shares my dedication to the core values that define the Democratic party. Massachusetts will truly benefit from Deval‚Äôs desire to bring economic prosperity and growth to all residents of the Commonwealth," said Capuano.

   In a press release, Capuano said Patrick has a strong vision for leading Massachusetts and the broadest leadership experience of all of the candidates for governor across all parties. Representing Massachusetts‚Äô 8th District, Capuano serves an ethnically diverse area that includes Chelsea, Cambridge, Somerville, and 70 percent of Boston. Capuano, the former mayor of Somerville and a four-term member of Congress, is the second US Congressman to endorse Patrick‚Äôs run for governor. U.S. Congressman Jim McGovern of Worcester endorsed Patrick last June.

   Patrick said he was pleased to receive the endorsement. 

   ‚ÄúI am deeply honored to have Rep. Capuano‚Äôs endorsement. I would like to assure him and his constituents that I don‚Äôt take lightly the trust he has placed in me today,‚Äù Patrick said. ‚ÄúCongressman Capuano has long been one of the hardest working and most respected members of Congress and he knows that if we all resist our own cynicism, we can energize people from the grassroots and accomplish great things in Massachusetts. As someone who is not an insider on Beacon Hill, I have no political chits to cash in for this endorsement, so I‚Äôm particularly appreciative that Congressman Capuano is supporting my campaign based on the merits of my experience and vision for leading the state,‚Äù Patrick added.



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