News Talk for the week of April 5

On April 6, 2006, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

News Talk for the week of April 5

Lets see, Alderman Bruce Desmond is running for clerk of courts and Alderman Dennis Sullivan is no longer running for state Senate. Now word is circulating about another alderman running against newly elected Senator Pat Jehlen. We can’t confirm it but we think its either Ward 7 Alderman Bob Trane or Ward 5 Alderman Sean O’Donovan. Its still early so we expect to hear lot of rumors here.
Actor Ben Affleck was in Somerville staking out future places to shoot his next movie. He must like this city because he was also seen having lunch at the Paddock on Pearl Street a few weeks back.   
The local city and ward democratic party members met last week at the VNA, the guest speaker was State Treasurer Tim Cahill who handled himself very well when attacked by some of the local politicians who wanted to put him on the spot for the lack of money delivered here to Somerville from the Lottery. Treasurer Cahill was very good in his defense, some observers there said he looks like potential Gubernatorial material, and he‚Äôs someone to watch.       

Another water bill rumor, but have you noticed your water bill has increased a little higher this past quarter? City employees are saying the rates went up because the Massachusetts Water Resource Authority increased their rates across the state. Not true, says the MWRA. The city must be getting creative with their sources of revenue. Hey, the money has to come from somewhere?   Someone has to pay for the Skippers new Red Ford Mustang Convertible that he looks so sharp in.
Still no word from City Hall regarding the 4 month old Traffic & Parking Department missing money (we’re being nice). We don’t even know if the investigation is still going on, but one source says Captain Charles Femino is still working on it, but we’re still waiting…and waiting…aren’t you?
The bridge on Sycamore is coming along, and Lowell Street Bridge looks good. Maybe their opening very soon?    
Have you noticed the new furniture at the ‚ÄúSome Day Caf√©‚Äù in Davis Square??   Its about time, some are saying its nice in there now and its relaxing to drink and have a coffee break.      
Amnesty. Not a good word around this neck of the woods, especially now a days. 
But we‚Äôve been appealing desperately for our JN  (our official Web-Master) to unblock some OF OUR favorite online nuts who post anonymously on our blog — ‚ÄúCambriVille,‚Äù ‚ÄúThe Mole‚Äù and the real ‚ÄúMrs. McCarthy‚Äù not to mention ‚Äúdelusional.‚Äù Although we‚Äôre still racking in the visits on the web site, we miss some of these names, heck Ron Newman, we fear he‚Äôs been banned as well we‚Äôre not sure.


We were starting to believe that Norman ‚ÄúStoney‚Äù Stone, Johnny Ruiz‚Äôs former manager/trainer/cut man/designated loudmouth, was staying low key and out of the spotlight. Well, we were wrong. He‚Äôs back in the news again. The man who has to fight with everybody is now fighting in litigation with his own lawyer, attorney Tony Cardinali, over some non-payment issues.   No, not Norman! He pays his bills… or does he?            
Now that Mike Capuano has endorsed Deval Patrick for Governor, the rumors are already starting about Mike running for the job in four years against Kerry Healey.


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