Busted: Cops nab alleged drug dealer, seize 1,000 bags worth of dope

On April 7, 2006, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Busted: Cops nab alleged drug dealer, seize 1,000 bags worth of dope
By George P. Hassett

   Somerville Police this week arrested a Rush Street man for trafficking narcotics, confiscating 18.4 grams of heroin, equivalent to one thousand bags, from the man.
    At approximately 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, police said they executed a search warrant at the home of Rafael Vasquez, 35, of 36 Rush St. Police said they entered Vasquez‚Äô apartment through an open front door and witnessed Vasquez ‚Äúlounging in his bedroom talking on a cellular phone.‚Äù Members of the Somerville Police Department Drug Control Unit had been conducting an ongoing investigating of Vasquez.

   After informing Vasquez of their intent to search his home, police seized $404, two cellular phones, clear plastic sandwich bags, two drug ledgers and 18.4 grams of heroin.
   The defendant told police that the bathroom and the bedroom in which the property was seized were not his. He was placed under arrest and charged with conspiracy to violate a drug law, distribution of a class A substance and committing a drug violation near a school zone.
    Vasquez was transported to the Somerville police station where he allegedly falsely identified himself as Tony Dume. Using the FBI fingerprint data information base, police said the man was identified as Rafael Vasquez. Vasquez was also charged with furnishing a false name.


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