News Talk for the week of April 26

On April 26, 2006, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

News Talk for the week of April 26

We feel like broken records – no matter how many times we explain it to people, some still just don‚Äôt want to believe it.  A person who posts a comment ‚Äì a ‚ÄúBlogger‚Äù ‚Äì on our weblog does NOT work for this paper.  Some people are still to this day confused about it.  One of our contributors was asked by someone the other day about an apparently not so nice comment made about that person and he wanted to know who it was and why they said it.  We don‚Äôt know, get over yourself.   

Congratulations are in order for Steve Mirabella, famous electrical genius, on his running the Boston Marathon in 4-hours and 5 minutes.  Steve looked good, well rested and tanned the next day after the race; we think he will do much better next year.
Remember the guy that ran against state Rep. Tim Toomey in the last statewide elections? No not that nutty progressive Avi Green (Newstalk hears he has run away in horror from Boston politics to the safety of Philadelphia), but that nutty writer turned Republican David Slavitt. Well, Slavitt published a book about his experience in the race this month. It is quite funny and very well written but we just went to the index and looked up The Somerville News and read about ourselves. He is quite favorable to our weekly publication (as opposed to his opinion of the Farm Team). Our favorite line was: “The News is hardly contemptible. It is read in precincts in my district.”

We hear there may be a new position being created at City Hall – a gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) liaison to the Mayor. The position has been heavily advertised and we hope they get a person with some real imagination and experience for a job that pays big….$500.00 a month.
Last Thursday night the Masonic Hall on Highland Avenue was filled with an event called ‚ÄúCigar Night‚Äù featuring cigars going back to pre-Castro days in Cuba. Great food, good entertainment, and a hall full of local Somerville people enjoying themselves. It was   sponsored by King Solomon‚Äôs Lodge Officers and, in particular, local celebrity Wor. Billy Tauro. Great job Billy.
Seems Mike‚Äôs Restaurant in Davis Square might be going for a new look, with renovations planned and our buddy Ray in charge. Can anyone name the Restaurant‚Äôs name up to the mid 60‚Äôs??   
We heard that Alderman at Large Dennis Sullivan, soon after he pulled out of the race for Senator Jarrett Barrios‚Äô seat, got a call from Senator John Kerry‚Äôs people asking him if he would be interested in working on the Senators‚Äô campaign staff as the Senator prepares to decide whether or not he is going to attempt another run for the White House! The Senator knows a good guy when he sees one, and so do we. He‚Äôs a good Alderman who is always out there doing his job. 
Somerville Night at the Red Sox is May 12th vs. Texas. There are only 25 tickets left located in the right field grandstand. Tickets are $75.00 and a portion goes to charity.   Email to reserve. Somerville Night at the Pops with Keith Lockhardt is June 21 with only 23 tickets left at $96 each.  Premier tables are down front with up to 5 at a table.   
Wow can you believe it‚Äôs been 22 years since former Mayor Eugene Brune started his ‚ÄúAnnual Breakfast?‚Äù Wow does time fly fast. His 22nd Annual Breakfast is being held over in Malden at ANTHONY‚ÄôS RESTAURANT SUNDAY MAY 7TH AT 11A.M., he gets a big crowd every year.      

Wednesday May 3rd Ward 5 Alderman Sean O‚ÄôDonovan is having a fundraiser from 6 to 8pm at the best Mexican Restaurant in Somerville — El Guapo‚Äôs at 704 Broadway in Ball Square.    
We‚Äôre going into the 6th month of no findings on the money taken out of the Traffic & Parking Department, approximately $6,000 to $10,000. Everybody (Cops and politicians) is saying it‚Äôs under investigation therefore they can‚Äôt comment. We‚Äôre wondering how long this is going to go on without some resolution to it? If they never solve it and it‚Äôs always under investigation does that mean they don‚Äôt have to ever talk about it?               


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