Cops kick in door, corral crook

On April 26, 2006, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Cops kick in door, corral crook
By George P. Hassett

   Joseph Bradley and Amy Gannon did not get a chance to sleep late Friday morning. At 8:09 a.m., Somerville police kicked down the door of 292 McGrath Highway, where the two had been staying, and arrested Bradley for robbing the East Cambridge Savings Bank the day before and put Gannon in cuffs for an outstanding cocaine warrant.
   Police said Bradley walked into the bank at approximately 2:15 p.m. Thursday and handed the teller a note, which read, ‚ÄúGive me the money. No dye or I‚Äôll be back.‚Äù Bradley allegedly had a butcher knife in his sweatshirt but never pulled it out.

   The teller handed him an undisclosed amount of cash and Bradley ran out to a green Ford Taurus wagon outside where, police said, Michael Pereira, 42, of 25 Walker St. was waiting. Bradley walked alongside the vehicle, removed his eye glasses, a black  leather scali-cap, and a gray sweat shirt and jumped in the getaway car, according to witnesses.
   Bradley allegedly handed Pereira $1,400 of the money he had just stolen and told him to drive.
Police spoke to several eye witnesses at the scene who described the vehicle used in the robbery and its license plate. A search for a vehicle containing the plate characters 7H41 revealed only one registration — a green Ford Taurus registered to Joseph Bradley, of 4 Spring Hill Terrace.
    Police arrested Gannon on an unrelated warrant for possession of cocaine when they kicked in the door of 292 McGrath Highway looking for Bradley. After an interrogation, Bradley confessed to robbing the bank and confirmed that Pereira had been the getaway driver.      


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