News Talk for the week of May 24

On May 24, 2006, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

News Talk for the week of May 24
The Memorial Day parade this coming Sunday is being hyped as Somerville‚Äôs biggest ever. Biggest ever? Since when, 3 years ago? Some of us go all the way back to the ‚ÄúAll American City Parade‚Äù in the early 70‚Äôs, and remember some pretty big events. Yes it‚Äôs true Somerville won the All American City Award once and that parade went on for hours. The News will have another float this year. Hopefully this year we‚Äôll be less controversial than in the past. The News personnel and families will be in front of 125 Highland Avenue Masonic Building, feel free to join us and say hello.             

Ben Affleck was back in the city again. Last week he visited the Somerville Police Station (he must have heard about the missing $$$).  Seems he had some huge fans in the building but much to their sadness he didn‚Äôt say hello to everyone, although Rita V. managed to get her picture taken with him.    
You want proof that the feds are here?  We have been mentioning they‚Äôre here, taking pictures and getting information on the immigrant workers (we still beat the Herald to the story) at Dunkin Donuts and Foss Park every morning. Well, one of our News Talkers ran into one while driving down the street last week. Seems feds have been driving around in unmarked cars and dressed casually to blend in with everyone. We wish we could tell you how we know but that would get someone in trouble and that‚Äôs not what News Talk is about.
One of our News Talkers came across a T-shirt asking for the return of the missing 31k and to notify the Somerville police. News Talk promised not to tell who‚Äôs making them, but when it was worn one day, its owner got lots of comments and questions on how to get one. 
Now we won’t say exactly who said it but you can imagine how minds are running with the missing $31K. In private and behind closed doors even aldermen are questioning whether it was mistakenly thrown away or just plain taken. Then again, we’re not saying anything about anything, understand?
Still no report on the progress regarding the missing Traffic & Parking money stolen one snowy day in December. You’d think that the city would at least say they have taken measures to have it not happen again. It’s going on six months now and still no report.
Again congratulations to the Errico Family this week for Joe Errico‚Äôs 100 birthday. It appears the city will proclaim it ‚ÄúJoe Errico Day‚Äù on the 27th here in Somerville. He‚Äôs a nice man, still seen around the city all the time.      
Well known cook about town John McKenzie and his lovely wife Marge are back to Wednesday afternoon dinners this time at the College Avenue Baptist Church, if you‚Äôre in Davis Square and looking for a great meal he‚Äôs serving at 12 noon, you can‚Äôt beat it for the price. John  & Marge McKenzie are the proud parents of that well known Davis Square Florist Joyce McKenzie of Nellie‚Äôs Wildflowers. You‚Äôd be surprised to see who has been showing up for dinner.
The state Senate yesterday passed a bill that will allow cops to pull people over for not wearing seatbelts. What’s next, cops pulling cigarettes out of the mouths of smokers to prevent lung cancer? This is ridiculous, we hope our state delegates realize their giving law enforcement more power to interfere in the lives of ordinary citizens and doing nothing to restore the local aid we need. News Talk gives a big thumbs down to any delegate who voted for this invasive measure.


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