News Talk for the week of May 31

On June 1, 2006, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

News Talk for the week of May 31

For the dumbest mailing in a long time, take a look at the piece those idiots at the Small Property Owners Association sent out this week. Lies meant to scare the $hit out of everyone saying rent control is coming back to the city. You’d think spending all that money to mail everyone across the city and printing up that stuff they would have at least had a Somerville address or even better a Somerville PO Box, instead of a Cambridge PO box. Wonder which dumb large property owner thought of that? We’re against the mayor’s condo conversion ordinance, as it is currently written, but even we can’t support these jerks.

Why are we against the ordinance? Why kill the goose that has been propping up our tax base so that we can pay the bills here in Somerville? We‚Äôre still laughing over the 3% vacancy rate the city professes is in Somerville. More like triple that and more, just look at how many ‚ÄúFor Rent‚Äù signs are all over the city. Yeah sure there‚Äôs a 3% vacancy rate and the missing money at the Traffic & Parking was found with interest.   
Wow! We heard that ever popular Secretary of State Bill Galvin has a rival in the Democratic Primary. Some idiot progressive is upset with Bill for not putting the ballots in Spanish. Where do these progressive’s get such silly ideas?
Have you heard Sheriff James DiPaola wants to build a Jail in Somerville to house leftover inmates from East Cambridge and a new Somerville/Cambridge police station?     Who thinks up this stuff?  Wonder what the MVTF thinks of that, too much traffic? Or will the brain trust at that Irish pub in Union Square, you know Fergal, Andy, Sean and Bill have something to say about it?   Some say that‚Äôs where the new Somerville political power brokers play, we said some say. 
Excuuuuuuuuse us Elizabeth Moroney! The secretary of the Somerville Democratic City Committee is apparently upset with us for not endorsing her lackluster campaign last year against Denise Provost. It appears her mailing to let the members know about yesterday‚Äôs meeting was to appear in the Somerville Journal. Believe it or not Elizabeth, we could have posted the agenda for you as well‚Ķ or would we? Isn‚Äôt it about time we elect a new chairman and secretary of the City Democratic Committee?      
Watch out Mayor Joe! We heard that Lawrence Paolella is considering running for mayor next year. Now that makes a couple of names so far. Buddy Joyce, Jimmy Veneziano (who, we understand, recently set up his finance committee) Lawrence, and of course there is always Tony L who is running so he can lower the tax assessment on his home. Now is there anyone else?         
Wasn‚Äôt that Winter Hill Bank’s 100th year anniversary float (a rented trolley) nice? It was good to see the Barracuda of Winter Hill there, did you notice also their buddies (close working relationship) the Farm Team had they‚Äôre float or rented truck in front.  The Barracuda from Winter Hill had all her dominions out in force in the parade. It was very nice seeing them all, hope they got paid for it. We think it was probably mandatory to keep their jobs, judging by her past behavior. Now we know the Farm Team could do much better because of all that money the bank uses to boost up the Farm Team. Oh yeah, that didn‚Äôt work did it? You remember that mailing‚Ķ ok never mind. Imagine 100  years and these people run this bank, great world isn‚Äôt it?
Speaking of floats, or whatever our thing in the parade was, after all the controversies the past 2 years, we didn‚Äôt want to upset anyone.  But the brain trust here at the News is already thinking ahead for next year, now that the Farm Team is copying us.  They keep trying to out do us, when it‚Äôs us that should be emulating them. It‚Äôs a fact we‚Äôre bigger in circulation, distribution, web hits and we‚Äôre more local then them now since their owners live in Illinois.      
For all you local cable access watchers tuning in to see the Board of Aldermen, lets remember the age old trick the aldermen have passed down generation to generation. When an Alderman doesn‚Äôt want to be involved in a vote, he or she will take that ‚Äúwalk‚Äù out of the horseshoe usually to aldermen‚Äôs room or hall and sometimes into the Mayor‚Äôs office. They don‚Äôt want you to catch them voting either way, that is why when their name is called the clerk says how many aldermen are absent for that one vote.   We know the avid watchers know this, but we also know that some don‚Äôt. And oh yes we‚Äôve seen them do this over the years on the School Committee as well.



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