The View From Prospect Hill for the week of June 7

On June 7, 2006, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

The View From Prospect Hill for the week of June 7

Other cities and towns fine the holy crap out of big retail businesses when they contribute to trash in the streets and traffic congestion. Why is it we can’t do the same?
  Other cities and towns have their city vehicles piloted by city workers in the Memorial Day Parade and at other community-based functions on THEIR own time not ours to show their community pride. Why is it we can’t do the same?

    Other cities and towns have woken up after years of craziness and changed their School Committee to an appointed body, as the committee now has absolutely NO power since Education Reform. Why is it we can’t do the same?
  Other cities and towns try to balance the development of residential neighborhoods. They don‚Äôt attempt to impose super-stupid and unlawful restrictions on private homeowners (who pay the biggest burden of local taxes) in deference to "renters rights" in a very thinly disguised attempt at rent control. Why is it we can’t do the same?
  Other cities and towns don’t have inept people on the job and holding public office who throw money away, both literally and figuratively, and who are constantly, year after year after year making us ALL out to be the laughing stocks of the Metro-Boston region, why is it we can‚Äôt do the same?
   Other cities and towns fire people who screw up, they vote incompetents out of office and they hold their municipal government accountable when it is a complete and utter failure, why is it we can’t do the same?
   Somerville should pride itself on its unique history and character but sometimes it‚Äôs not so bad being like other cities and towns is it?


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