I have heard that a beautiful girl is like a melody, but how about a virus? Poet Dianne Silvestri reveals how a tune can snake into our very marrow.

Poet Dianne Silvestri
Melody on the Loose
At first it snaked its way
through the back files
of my mind, looping
through dusty photos
and folders there,
barely disturbing
my agenda for the day,
but later permeated
more recent shelves,
absorbed memories
into its trail with a
cloying chorus
growing louder,
re-circling its path,
smoking out the buzzing
of my current thoughts,
until the haunting tune
revealed its true colors,
a virtual virus chewing
through the circuits
of my brain, forcing
my exclusive focus
on the moment
it blared from the band
in the corner of the bar
adding a musical score
as you strolled from my life.
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