News Talk for the week of June 28

On June 29, 2006, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

News Talk for the week of June 28

News Talk hears former Ward 6 Alderman Jack Connolly is pondering a return to politics. Alderman-at-Large and state Rep. Denise Provost has said she’s not going to seek re-election to the board in the 2007 municipal elections. The progressives are reportedly clearing the way for Marty Martinez to be the heir apparent, but Jack has expressed interest in the seat and we’d like to see him give it a shot.

Different folks throughout the city are encouraging popular Alderman-at-Large Bill White to run for mayor in ’07. The police are reportedly big fans of Bill, and News Talk hears they would support him the minute he declared his candidacy. Bill works hard (he has never missed an alderman’s meeting since he was elected in ’99), is unfailingly honest and can always be counted on to make a fair, independent decision.
So the war on fluffernutter is finally over. Sen. Jarrett Barrios has decided to call a truce with the marshmallowey, tasty treat after initially proposing an amendment that would specifically ban fluffernutter sandwiches from schools. We hear he was embarrassed it was getting so much attention and just wanted to put the fluff fiasco of 2006 behind him. We like fluff not only because it tastes good but also because it was invented right here in Somerville — Union Square to be exact ‚Äì by Archibald Query in 1917. And why can legislators outlaw certain foods? You know it‚Äôs just going to make the kids want it more. What‚Äôs next, an amendment against playing with your food at the dinner table?   
Don’t forget the city’s fireworks at Trum Field this Thursday, and Family Fun Day on Saturday. The city always puts on a good show for the small kids and the teenagers alike. This year, as in the past few years, donations from corporations were given to offset the cost. Mayor Joe is right about bringing back a good feeling, giving us something that use to be around every holiday but hadn’t gone on in a long time. Say thanks to the mayor and his staff for a job well done next time you see him.
Monday night at the Masonic building on Highland Avenue Somerville Lodge honored long time Dickerson Street resident Arthur G. Costa for his many years of service to the lodge both as Past Master and as Secretary. A large crowd of Somerville residents were on hand to witness the Somerville Lodge, the Grand Lodge, and Arthur‚Äôs other lodge — King Solomon‚Äôs ‚Äì recognize him for all of his work. Arthur was very pleased to see the large turnout and was very moved.   
Congratulations to Alex and his wife Serita on the recent new arrival to their family, a new baby boy. Alessandro Capobianco was born Friday June 23rd. The mayor‚Äôs new son, Patrick John Curtatone, has a new cousin in Alessandro. Congratulations to both families. 
Still no conclusion to the missing money at the Traffic & Parking Dept, we keep hoping to hear something, anything? But nothing. Is the investigation almost complete?    
Speaking of  Traffic & Parking, the Acting Director Larry Murphy was recently installed as King Lion at the Somerville Lions installation this past weekend, we wish him the best in his postion.
Seen in Somerville recently was David Ortiz. “Big Pappy” was dinning with friends this past weekend, trying to keep a low profile in his huge Black Hummer, but News Talk saw him. News Talk sees everything.
All quiet on the Water Department front? Well, we still hear some grunts and groans but then again, we hear everything. Maybe our writing about the Water Department made them buckle down and do their jobs.
We hear aldermen are being inundated with frantic phone calls and e-mails from constituents worried about the mayor‚Äôs proposal to limit condominium conversions in the city. Residents were alarmed by a mailing from the Small Property Owners Association  that said the plan was rent control in disguise. Now, besieged aldermen are spending their time re-assuring constituents that nothing will happen with the ordinance until after Labor Day.


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