News Talk for the week of July 19

On July 19, 2006, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

News Talk for the week of July 19

News Talk is getting sick of all this gossip column work. The gig we want is Project Manager. We hear that in Somerville, depending on the project, the manager doesn’t even have to show up. Just cash the check and stay quiet about it. News Talk could certainly do that much.


It appears Rebekah Gewirtz is attempting to set a record for most requests without getting anything done. For the fifth (fifth!) time the Ward 6 alderman has requested that: “the Administration convene a meeting with the lessee of the Buena Vista lot and the Ward 6 Alderman to discuss opening the garage to public use.” Apparently, Rebekah has yet to earn the mayor’s attention. Hopefully, she keeps at it. We know Jack would have taken care of this already.

Have you noticed the amount of illegal immigrants standing at Foss Park has dwindled substantially? Meanwhile, across the street, you can‚Äôt even get into the Dunkin Donuts some mornings  because they have begun to occupy that space. The word is out, and we hear the IRS is looking to jot down some license plate numbers of contractors.    
Now we hear that local police departments may soon be asked to bring illegal immigrants  directly to INS for deportation after simple traffic stops! They would have had a field day at Foss Park a few weeks ago but the IRS was on the scene first. We have spotted groups of men looking for day work from contractors on Temple Street, under Route 93 and over across the street near Wheatland Street. If we spotted them, we‚Äôre sure others have too.
At the recent wedding of local Attorney Stephen Glines and Amy Mansfield Saturday night, rumors were flying regarding Mr. Important‚Äôs (a.k.a. Jimmy Veneziano) possible run for mayor. Preliminary talks with his confidant and closest supporter Mr. Tony S. (you know him — the well to do and politically connected plumber) indicate it could be serious, but we doubt that city voters are prepared to elect a Republican mayor. Some of us were surprised to see that Mr. Important wasn‚Äôt sitting at his usual spot Monday at Victor‚Äôs in Ball Square, but his plumbers were there Mr. T.S.  & Mr. C.S. We can‚Äôt leak their real names just yet, or did we?  Or can we?       
Speaking of Stephen Glines‚Äô wedding, there were some other well to do and connected Somerville who‚Äôs present. Along with a well known police officer and his lovely wife,  there was the very well known Inspectional Services inspector Mr. J.D. (who asked us not to mention his name so we won‚Äôt). The wedding was awesome — right in Gloucester on the water and well attended. We wish Stephen & Amy the best of luck and a long and happy future together.
Wow! Apparently, News Talk hit a nerve last week when we wrote about a certain Capital Project Manager and his scandalous past. We‚Äôre trying to get George, the editor, to do a story on him but he‚Äôs stubborn and has put it on the back burner for now.  But we have been getting lots of stuff in the mail (those little white envelopes again). We wish News Talk could use it in this column, but its front page story material.
Still no results in the stolen monies from the Traffic & Parking Department. No comments on it or even word that the investigation is finishing up. Nothing from Captain Charlie Femino, who is supposedly in charge. We’re seriously thinking they may never recover the money and that’s the reason why many of the meters in Davis Square are still 25 cents for 15 minutes.
The friendly people at the Somerville Water Department (are we going too far?) are saying their department head, Carol Antonelli isn‚Äôt her usual smiling self anymore. We remember her when she always seemed to be in a good mood, but lately everyone says she‚Äôs not the same. We say its that discolored water she told us its ok to drink — its brown, how could it be safe?  No, that can‚Äôt be it. She doesn‚Äôt live in Somerville anymore.
News Talk has been seeing Middlesex County Clerk of Courts candidate Michael Sullivan all over the all over the place recently. Everywhere you turn he’s there, with his devoted followers.

We heard an interesting rumor we can‚Äôt yet confirm: Tufts University might be interested in buying the MaxPak Site once the present developers get all their permits in order. They‚Äôll use their political connections with city officials to get all the units they can have and then they‚Äôll flip it without building anything. Sound familiar?         

News Talk will miss Brock Parker, ace reporter for the ‚ÄúFarm Team‚Äù (you know, that  other Somerville paper based in Illinois). He has left, but we won‚Äôt forget him — he was an inspiration to us here at News Talk on a few stories. He broke the story of the boat parked in the Homans Building but we broke the name ‚Äì Naughty Girl (priceless).   We wish him the best at his new job and hopefully the editor of the Farm Team has someone else to do some good reporting. We‚Äôre hearing through the grapevine that our own Neil McCabe might start working there.


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