Yuppie hater perpetrates violence in Lexington Park

On August 1, 2006, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Yuppie hater perpetrates violence in Lexington Park
By George P. Hassett

The former Somerville resident who scribbled messages such as “Kill a Yuppie” all over the city last year allegedly broke a man’s jaw Sunday morning over an argument over which city is better, Somerville or Medford.
  Jason Cutter, 20, of 26 Allendale Ave., Billerica, pushed the victim and said, ‚ÄúI hate Medford punks‚Äù before he and three or four other males violently converged on the victim, punching him repeatedly in the face, police said. 

  The Medford man, whose name has not been released, suffered a broken jaw, fractured nose and lost teeth in the early hours of Sunday morning at Lexington Park.
  The victim came to Somerville to visit two female friends Saturday night. Towards the end of the night, the three were sitting on a Spencer Ave. porch when four to five males came by and struck up a conversation. The group talked for half an hour before walking down the street to Lexington Park to avoid disturbing neighbors, police said.
  At the park, a discussion comparing the cities of Somerville and Medford became heated when Cutter initiated the violence by pushing the victim back.
  Police said the victim attempted to gain his balance, but was punched in the face by another man who was standing directly beside him. 
  The victim tried to defend himself, only to see Cutter punch him in the face again, police said.  At this point, Cutter and another man allegedly punched the victim in the face repeatedly. Police said the victim tried desperately to get away but Cutter and Stephen V. Libby, 21, continued to rain punches down on his head.
  The victim‚Äôs female friends eventually managed to break up the fight and help the victim out of the park and home to Medford, police said.
  Cutter was initially unknown to the victim and the witnesses but during the alleged assault was referred to by name by the other males involved. Based on their names and physical descriptions, police determined the primary aggresor to be Cutter.                                          Records also confirmed that Cutter is a member of  ‚ÄúDa Ville Soldiers,‚Äù a Somerville-based gang involved mainly in graffiti and vandalism.
  In October of 2005, Cutter attracted attention when he was arrested and charged with spray painting hateful messages in parks and on private property over a series of several months. The messages were aimed at wealthy newcomers to the city, or as Cutter described them, Yuppies. ‚ÄúKill a Yuppie‚Äù was one of his most frequent messages. At the time, Cutter said his crimes were social messages against gentrification.
  The victim and the witnesses of Sunday‚Äôs attack identified Cutter and Libby from photo arrays as the individuals responsible for the mayhem.
  Cutter and Libby were arrested Friday.    


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