Newstalk for the week of August 9

On August 9, 2006, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Newstalk for the week of August 9

So the Personnel Department is helping out our gang members/residents of the city. Is that a gang member from the crips or the bloods working down at the Police Station? Reportedly, he’s even in the book police have identifying known local gang members. How convenient, now he is working along side the police. It’s good to know that the personnel department for the city is reaching out to all the segments of the population… including the gang bangers.

Ok, we‚Äôre not going to say names here, but one city hall worker owes for his Red Sox tickets from last year and still hasn‚Äôt paid‚Ķthe initials are MB‚Ķwe‚Äôre hoping he pays up for those tickets so RJLP won‚Äôt have to go after him.    
It appears that several local Real Estate companies are in trouble – one large company over the past 2 months lost over 106 agents in four of their offices combined and now they‚Äôre posting Rentals online to boost their inventory.  Maybe if they had a better reputation in the public domain they would be doing better – or is it that manager of theirs?  We think maybe it‚Äôs the manager, and like in sports when you need a shake up, you dump the manager and breathe new life into the offices or maybe they‚Äôll wait until they lose dozens more?
Well finally the case of the missing money at the Traffic & Parking is over. Okay lets recap. 35 T&P employees interviewed, but only a select few given a Lie Detector test. Now we figured a select few would be most of the 35?  Oh no ‚Äì try somewhere between 3 and 5 people total out of the 35‚Ķat least that‚Äôs the word on the street.  We‚Äôre glad its over and maybe someone is going to be chastised for leaving the doors unlocked and open?  Could it be the ‚ÄúActing Director‚Äù?  This sort of stuff never happened under the previous ‚ÄúActing Director‚Äù – Ms. Johnson – people would have thought twice before crossing her in that office.  Maybe this guy Kotzuba needs lessons in management?
The once famous and now non-existent ‚Äúwall of respect for women‚Äù saga is still ongoing. Now Joanne Batzek has called Brooks Pharmacy ‚Äúheadquarters‚Äù and they can‚Äôt find the plaque that tells the story of the wall and has her name on it.  Some of us here at Newstalk are very familiar with Joanne and know that she doesn‚Äôt often get the run around, and this time we think she is mobilizing a demonstration in front of Brooks Pharmacy if she can‚Äôt get that plaque back. We told her to call the Alderman in Ward 6, Rebecca – after all, Rebecca is a progressive and as a woman she should be concerned about this as well – if only we can get Rebecca out of the coffee shop saving business to intercede on Joanne‚Äôs behalf and all the women of Somerville.

Candidate for Governor Deval Patrick and a horde of local politicians filled the room last week in Davis Square at the Off Broadway Theater with comic Jimmy Tingle. Lots of local pols are backing this guy for Governor, but that night the crowd was filled mainly with limousine liberals – you know the type – drive into the city from Lexington and Belmont talking about how we should all just get along and pay taxes through the nose, only to retreat to their lily white enclaves in the ‘burbs at the end of the night.
Speaking of Deval Patrick and all his new friends here in Somerville, does anyone remember the last Governors race? Former Mayor Dot Gay went all out for the Democratic Nominee and our City got burnt badly – lets hope our wise leaders  won‚Äôt let that happen twice.
The Somerville News Weblog is now averaging over 1,000 hits per day lately – especially this past week – on  We‚Äôre concerned that some people can‚Äôt separate reality from fantasy ‚Äì there are some people who actually believe that Dr. Mrs. McCarthy is an actual person.  This is fantasy, folks – it‚Äôs actually better – because the dirt can be aired more freely.  Let‚Äôs just try to keep it friendly on there so everyone can enjoy.


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