The View From Prospect Hill for the week of Aug. 16

On August 20, 2006, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

The View From Prospect Hill for the week of Aug. 16

The Someday Café closed forever Saturday. Crepes will soon replace coffee at 51 Davis Square and the Someday will be just a fond memory for its loyal patrons.

  The Someday closed because its owner forgot to renew the lease. On that day, the landlord was reportedly waiting excitedly for midnight to come so he could replace the Someday with Mr. Cr√™pe. The Someday is gone because of a stupid mistake, not because of gentrification.
  But, if Davis Square had not experienced its recent rebirth as the world‚Äôs haven of hip (a movement the Someday helped kick start), could the landlord have found a tenant to replace the Someday so quick? Probably not.
  Just as the Someday and the artists it attracted displaced older stores and residents, more efficient businesses and wealthier residents have begun to push their way into Davis Square.
  And that is the point. Progress does not care who it sacrifices. In America, working class residents and artist enclaves can be pushed aside equally once a wealthier division of people decide to make a place their home.    


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