News Talk for the week of Aug. 23

On August 23, 2006, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

News Talk for the week of Aug. 23

The Web site is beginning to take on a new look. We finally managed to convince George that pictures are a good thing. In a week or so we will be able to take and host online ads ‚Äì classifieds, legal ads and regular links as well as featured logos to click-through.  No pop-ups, no spam, no logging of IP addresses ‚Äì who needs that crap?  We will also be trying to expand our offering of useful, local information with community links.  We now get from 800 to 1000 hits a day ‚Äì which is way beyond normal ‚Äì and we have very few extra papers left over every week, so if someone tries to tell you they don‚Äôt read us ‚Äì we know differently.  If you‚Äôd like to advertise on the website or have a community group or happening you‚Äôd like to place in the paper or on the very popular website/weblog, then call Jamie Norton or Bob Hogan.    

Looks like the Alderman at Large race might start to get interesting next year, we already heard through the underground that popular Ward 1 School Committee member Maureen Bastardi is making some calls around the city to try and get support for the At Large race.  That will leave her seat open for election – hopefully a Primary.
To that nice city worker at the DPW who drives a city truck – you might want to be careful when you ‚Äúpark‚Äù in front of driveways on side streets, having an in-depth conversation – you never know who lives in that house.  But hey, don‚Äôt worry, Stan doesn‚Äôt know who you are – our sources wouldn‚Äôt say anything – our lips are sealed if you know what we mean.
Wow the corner of Hinckley & Broadway could use a sign there so that people can see cars coming out Рone of these days there is going to be another accident Рand then the neighborhood would have to ask again for that sign and then the Acting Director of Traffic & Parking Kotzuba would have to have that hearing all over again that was held back in March, you remember that don’t you?
Shhhhhhhh we don‚Äôt want to let them spring it on everyone again without saying something, but be on guard – the Aldermen will be holding their committee meetings on that Rent Control ordinance, oh dam we meant Condo Control.  Is that lawyer from Cambridge still working for the city, and is she rewriting the ordinance, or is Tom Champion himself writing it?  Just be on guard, we‚Äôll try and let you know when it will be held.    
Alderman Bill White is Chairman of the Committee to review the MaxPac zoning changes – he‚Äôs scheduled to have his hearing in mid-September‚Ķlets see if the developers, the Kennedy connection, get there way again here in Somerville.  We heard there is a lot of lunches being held out there and not just with Aldermen – but some of the neighbors so they can get their way.  Where‚Äôs Bill Shelton when you need him.
Looks like Alderman Rebekah Gewirtz literally put the lights out in Davis Square last week by ordering the shutdown of the Middlesex Federal Savings Bank‚Äôs newly installed Time Square style sign.  Appears she doesn‚Äôt like it even though a lot of other people obviously do.  Lately she has been on the wrong side of a few issues – wouldn‚Äôt it have been nice if she could have stopped Brooks before they erased the mural instead of jumping on board afterwards?  Now it‚Äôs Middlesex Federal she‚Äôs banning?  Good thing Someday Caf√© is closed, now she can devote more time to other businesses in the square.     Hey Rebekah, Sauces Restaurant on Highland Avenue needs help renting out their place, will you help?  Can you imagine if Jack Connolly was in office what would have happened with all this nonsense?  Hmmmmm just goes to prove that experience overshadows a rookie in this case – bring back Jack.
Seems others are finally catching on to the fact that this guy from Extreme Tanning is a real creep. His racy placard has been giving anybody walking through Davis Square the last few weeks, including children, a detailed lesson in the female anatomy. Now the aldermen want him to remove it. Hey, we could have told you this guy is a jerk a year ago. Aside from his general creepiness, he is rude and intimidating to any woman he speaks to. He seems to have real issues with women, maybe he should see our therapist. She’s done wonders for us. Oh yeah, and in our opinion, he’s a deadbeat.
Congratulations to the members of King Solomon‚Äôs Lodge and Somerville Lodge of Masons in Somerville sponsored another (CHIPS) Child Identification Program at the Somerville Housing Authority Tenants building this past week.  Over 100 kids took advantage of this free program for the second time this year.  There are two Masonic Lodges here in Somerville located at 125 Highland Avenue – Wor. Billy Tauro is the Presiding Master of KSL and Wor. Steve Dalrymple is Presiding Master of Somerville Lodge.    
The annual Greek music & food festival is being held again this year on Friday, Saturday & Sunday, September 8th to the 10th at the Dormition of the Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Church 29 Central Street, Somerville.  All are welcome – free parking and free admission, it‚Äôs a lot of fun and bring the entire family.



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