News Talk for the week of Aug. 30

On August 30, 2006, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

News Talk for the week of Aug. 30

You know that known gang member who is working for the city at the police station? Well apparently he has been seen cleaning up in the Detective Bureau – which apparently he is familiar with, since we hear he‚Äôs been detained there before.      
Speaking of the Somerville Police, apparently last week the entire personnel of the station walked out because the janitor (was it who we think?  read above) was waxing the floor ‚Äì so for about half an hour the building was unmanned ‚Äì we figured this can‚Äôt be true, but sources did get confirmation, so we‚Äôre just reporting it.


Rebekah can‚Äôt leave well enough alone‚Ķapparently our favorite alderman, Rebekah Gewirtz is on a rampage in Ward 6 – poor Davis Square, first it was spending all her time saving a coffee shop (a coffee shop!), then missing the destruction of the mural, then making Middlesex Federal shut down their sign – now we hear she is shutting down amplified musical events throughout Davis Square.  Someone better tell her to get a grip on life and calm down ‚Äì she is becoming one of the establishment – or is she?  If she doesn‚Äôt watch it she is going to bankrupt half Davis Square – frankly we‚Äôre afraid of what might happen to the businesses that are left, after all our office is at 21A College Avenue.  And oh, by the way, we have it on reliable sources that she is personally calling owners in Davis Square trying to find a new location for the Someday Caf√© – some of the workers want to open up a shop – and she has even secured them a grant from City Hall to help open a new place up‚Ķwell we are sure the people at Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks and Diesel are happy to know that they can just call up Rebekah and get some money from the city when they need it.  Don‚Äôt you just love the Progressives?  Or do you, really?      
You ‘ve seen them around the city Рthe brand new City DPW green trucks Рand there is that fancy one with the sewer gadget on the front that we heard cost the city $500,000.00, well it fell deep into a hole in the street one day last week down on Washington Street and it took several trucks to pull it out…we hope everything is alright with that fancy machine Рwe also heard the driver and a worker were shaken up but alright.
Put this in the ‚Äúwe‚Äôre not surprised – are you‚Äù category. In East Somerville there are now FOUR Dunkin Donuts locations – maybe the same people who own and run McGrath & Broadway are the ones involved with Middlesex Avenue, Stop & Shop and now the Hess.  It has gotten so out of hand at McGrath & Broadway in the morning that you can‚Äôt even drive into the lot there to get a coffee without seriously risking being hit or running over someone.  The illegal immigrants are so blatant about being out in front of the place stealing Union Jobs that there are now some mornings over 100 of them at Dunkin Donuts and across the street at Foss Park – we‚Äôve even seen them on Mystic Avenue under Route 93 at Temple Road in the Ten Hills‚Ķthe other morning traffic was so bad that home owners couldn‚Äôt even get out of Bailey Road we were told.  This whole mess is because our so called Progressive-minded politicians don‚Äôt care apparently about the Unions anymore ‚Äì they‚Äôre more concern about issues that‚Äôs personally don‚Äôt affect the masses.  We heard that some of the local electrical, carpenters and painters union members are starting to feel the effects personally now.  We just ask one question – when the contractors get cheap day labor, do they pass it along to the homeowner, or do they pocket the difference from not hiring union members?
Wow the Maureen Bastardi remark last week in the paper about her running for Alderman at Large attracted a lot of attention by our bloggers Рand not all good. We like Maureen and if she looks bored on the School Committee so what Рit’s a boring, do nothing board that should be done away with to save us money.
This Friday, September 1 is the Anniversary of Donald and Patricia Norton who are celebrating 39 years of marriage.  They were married in Columbia, South Carolina on a steamy hot 100-degree day at 3PM at the City Hall ‚Äì right outside was small but vocal racial demonstration going on while the clerk was marrying them.  Congratulations to them both – Donald and Pat own ERA The Norton Group and Donald is the Publisher of The Somerville News.    
The Mayor has been pretty busy this past weekend – he and about two busloads of Somerville High School Football players were off to a football camp in Sturbridge for the weekend.  Mayor Joe has been hosting this event for the past few years to build up the Somerville Football team players skills – the Mayor‚Äôs a good guy for doing this.
The local Real Estate market is softening so the first casualty of the lower sales market is Remax on Somerville Avenue ‚Äì they‚Äôre now merging its offices with the Remax in Ball Square – you remember, that company that Alderman Sean sent out a letter asking the residents of Ward 5 to do business with.  They claim the move is to ‚Äúmake it better,‚Äù but for who?  You got to love the sign in their window in Ball Square – ‚ÄúSomerville for sale‚Äù both company owners are not from Somerville, nor do they have any roots in Somerville.
That was a low-blow by the Editor of the Farm Team for writing that story last week with that kind of slant – you know what we‚Äôre talking about – the story about the lady who got her car towed at Target on Somerville Avenue and who freely admitted she went across the street to another store.  The story certainly wasn‚Äôt newsworthy, so she juiced it up and then had the cartoon done on it.  We say thank you very much for the publicity – Pat‚Äôs Tow is here to service the community.  Nice try Kat, but then again we got your number over here at Newstalk, don‚Äôt we‚Ķwe know you watch us very closely and we‚Äôre glad you do. Keep watching, maybe you‚Äôll learn something.


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