O’Donovan speaks

On September 29, 2006, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

O’Donovan speaks
By George P. Hassett

Ward 5 Alderman Sean T. O’Donovan Thursday explained why he withdrew zoning amendments he submitted in July last week that would have begun the process to allow a 200 unit condominium at 56 and 61 Clyde Street. When he withdrew the amendments Sept. 21 he did so without explanation or comment, declined to speak with the press and failed to return repeated phone calls and e-mails.
Thursday he explained his action.

O’Donovan said the 11 direct abutters of the property KSS Realty plans to build on called him with concerns. He said they had been promised additional information about the developments’ impact by KSS executives but had yet to receive anything. KSS executives asked for a postponement of the Sept. 21 public hearing but it was too late for that, O’Donovan said.
Thursday he said the public discussion concerning KSS’ development of the old Max Pak paper factory site will continue.
“There is a delay because of the concerns of the direct abutters,” he said. “But the public process and discussion is going to continue. The zoning will be reintroduced when it needs to be.”
  Some neighborhood residents further away from the development were surprised at O‚ÄôDonovan‚Äôs withdrawal and questioned the wisdom of it. O‚ÄôDonovan said he would be responsive to all of his constituents but had to put the needs of the people most affected by the development first on this occasion.
  ‚ÄúI will always stand by the direct abutters in this process,‚Äù he said. ‚ÄúHudson Street and other streets may have traffic concerns but they won‚Äôt be impacted the way these 11 property owners will be.  It‚Äôs important for people to understand I was responding to the concerns of the closest neighbors.‚Äù


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