The big payback!

On November 21, 2006, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Fire_pic The big payback!
City removes personal items from fire house, union calls it “retaliation”
By George P. Hassett

The firefighters of Engine 7 came back from fighting a two alarm blaze Monday to learn many of the personal items they store in the station had been seized by the city. And the reason, according to one union official? Petty retaliation.

Right: Union President Jay Colbert said Department of Public Works employees went to Engine 7 on Highland Ave. and seized personal items from firefighters.

   Jay Colbert, president of the Somerville Firefighters Local 76 Union, said the larceny was orchestrated by Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone. Earlier in the week, Colbert said Curtatone was forced to cancel his fundraiser at the Boston restaurant, The Rack, due to threats of picketing by both police and fire unions. The unions have taken to regular protests as a result of stalled contract negotiations with the city.
  Angry at the firefighters union, Curtatone ordered Department of Public Works (DPW) employees to go to Engine 7 Monday afternoon and impound all non-fire related equipment, Colbert said.
  Tom Champion, spokesman for the city, said the items taken included three bureaus, a wooden bed set, a table set, an electrical panel and various electrical tools.
   Colbert said a couch and a gas grill were also taken. He said he did not know the value of the items taken, but ‚Äúthe pettiness is priceless.‚Äù
   Champion said firefighters are not allowed to bring outside, non-fire related work into the station. The inspection had been scheduled 10 days earlier and was not related to union negotiations, he said.
   DPW employees removed the wrong articles from Engine 7, according to Colbert.
   ‚ÄúThey should have taken out the asbestos in the basement,‚Äù he said. ‚ÄúIt‚Äôs a disgusting pit down there. There are a lot of things that need to be done to Engine 7, removal of personal property is not one of them.‚Äù
   Champion said firefighters could claim their seized property at the DPW yard, without being subject to any disciplinary action.



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