Modest decline in property tax

On December 16, 2006, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Modest decline in property tax

Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone this week announced modest declines in residential property taxes paid by most condominium, two-family and three-family homeowners.  Despite the growth in the city‚Äôs budget and the increase in municipal services over the past year, owners of single-family homes would see an average increase of only ten dollars, said city officials.

‚ÄúIt‚Äôs too soon to say we‚Äôve turned the corner on our recent period of fiscal austerity,‚Äù said Curtatone.  ‚ÄúIn fact anyone who pays close attention to public finance will tell you that you should never say ‚ÄòWe‚Äôve turned the corner.‚Äô  But when you see financial data like this, you have to be pleased.  I could not be prouder of the people of city and this administration for what they‚Äôve accomplished in this past year.‚Äù      

To read more about the state of city finances in Somerville, read Wednesday’s edition of The Somerville News, available free at over 150 locations throughout the city. 


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